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Miles Speaking...

I was the first to enter the apartment, I was invisible just to check out the place for any sign of life without being noticed, who knew if this spider man has a unique power like I did that could hide heat signature and any identifying form of presence. Miguel followed after me when I gave the all clear, followed by the others, Gwen and Peni stayed outside on look out.

The room was pretty high up on the twentieth floor of Thirty floors apartment building, a pretty big expensive building, the people who rented here were doing really fine in life.

"Alright, check out the apartment for clues on who this guy is..." Miguel started.

"It's you." said Peter B Spiderman.

"Yes thank you for the reminder." Miguel said sarcastically, turning towards him

"You're welcome."

"but I was referring to finding out other info on him like what does he do and what makes him tick."

"Well from the looks of this place it seems he is really doing good in life" Peter B said, and he was right, from a look around this Miguel's house was well furnished with good looking seaters, not the best but pretty good, and other things in the house that suggested he was getting a good paycheck somewhere.

"Looks can be deceiving." Miguel said, he didn't wait to see how we would react to those words but he knew from experience the hidden cost of some luxuries in his world and time.

"Alright, we'd scatter and search the entire house, see if he's got any family here, Miles bedroom" he said "Peter B bathroom, and I would go through everything here."

"Why did I have to get the bathroom" Peter B said. "Is that even a big area to search?"

"Haha, somebody's gotta do it" I Joked

Miguel was left alone in the living room, I opened the door of the bedroom, it was luckily unlocked, I knew Peter B was right, if anyone could pick up anything on this spider guy it was Miguel, after all he was sorta him. I checked the walls to get a good look of his photos, but to my shock there were almost none, Miguel was noticing the same thing downstairs. There was only a picture of a young girl that hung on the wall very close to the plasma screen on the wall, I walked closer to it , I almost jumped out of my suit seeing the picture, on it was a very close resemblance to a person in our team, it was Peni Parker.

"Uhh, guys."

Peter B was the first to answer from where he was.

"Uhh, yeah?"

"You better come and see this." Peter came out of the bathroom. Miguel climed up the stairs, I already had the photo in my hand. This Peni lookalike was all pink and white in her style of dressing in the picture not what I could see our Peni wearing who was still on the lookout outside.

"Whoa!?, Is that!?" Peter asked seeing who it was.

"Guys guys" Gwen called from the window outside , "hurry it up."

I noticed a document on the table as Miguel and Peter B looked over the resemblance. I picked it up and opened it, gasped a bit when I saw what was on it

"look at this, he has a daughter" I pointed out "and she was reported missing just about a month ago, it says so in the document."

"let me see that." Miguel said taking the document in his hand and reading it. It was a photocopy of a document of this Earth's Miguel when he reported the girl missing.

"Did you check for her name" he asked before even scrolling through for it myself then seeing it.

"Yeah, it's just up front at the top, they called her Jenni O Hara." I replied.

Twenty minutes later we were out of the house and on a roof nearby to keep an eye on the building as we discussed what we had found out, we had taken extra ten minutes to search the house for other clues to tell us why this Spider had turned on his kind, and finding out about his missing daughter was a big one. Miguel stood across Peni who stared at the holographic image from my smart Spidey watch, she was surprised and confused as to how it was possible as she saw a photo of the picture on the wall I had taken."

"Don't know what to say, this was on wall?" She managed.

"Yeah, do you like know any Miguel O Hara in your time?" Peter B asked.

"Well I don't know any Peni Parker in mine." Miguel said first.

"Me neither, I am surpris...." Then she paused.

"What is it?" Gwen asked.

"I just remembered." Peni said staring at her, when they both approached me back then to take me, he froze for a bit, almost like he saw something about me.

"He must have thought it was his daughter for a second" Miles noted.

"Ok, I think we've gotten what we need." Miguel said immediately.

"What really, shouldn't we atleast hang around for a while, see what else we can find out about him." Gwen suggested.

"Too dangerous to stick around." Miguel 2099 said.

"I'm with him." I said immediately. "Look, we got something significant, I don't want to stick around Incase who know who shows up."

They knew what I was talking about, it wasn't the spider man of this universe, but the Morlun character, it seems that we were still pretty shaken up after oue encounter with him, yes the guy was scary but Miguel felt there was something else to my concerns he told me later, a certain fear perhaps?

"Well I think Gwen is right, someone should stick around a bit, atleast learn more about him" Peter B said. "And I think I would do just that."

Everybody looked at him,

"What exactly do you mean?" he started, "what do you mean by "I" "

Miguel paused, what they said was true but it was also risky, meeting Morlun again and with other spiders under his control would not be an easy going encounter, and we can't be separated, unless, unless one chooses to stay alone while the others advanced with the information.

I noticed Miguel thinking, then he finally looked up at all of us.

He took a slight deep breath before speaking "Alright, here's what going to happen."

A/N: haha, hey guys, thanks for reading this and also for all the cool comments, please follow or mark for more updates and tell me what you think about the story. See ya later

Into The Spider Verse 2Where stories live. Discover now