Chapter 7 : Secret Pirate's Treasure Hunt!

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(3RD POV) (Musashi's Dream...)
[Musashi opened her eyes, she only saw that her surroundings were all white.]
Musashi: "...Dream, huh?"

[And it seems... Musashi has been familiar about this situation.]
Musashi: "...Well, i guess i need it, after all. After what happened recently."

[Just as Musashi predicted, there's a strong wind blows, and suddenly the place that was only white, turned into a garden full of blooming sakura trees. Musashi inhaled the smell of the air enveloped in the fragrant cherry blossoms. And she became more calm and peaceful.]

Musashi: "

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Musashi: ".....She must be here. There's no doubt about it."

[Again, as she predicted, a straight path formed on the spot, and Musashi decides to follows that path.]
Musashi: "Hehe... If she wants, she could just greet me directly. But, I think this is her style."

[Musashi kept walking, and walking, as she enjoys the scenery... Until she finally came to the end of the road. There... she saw a wide mat, on top of it, which there is a tray containing a teapot of warm green tea and two small cups.]
Musashi: "....I don't think there's anything wrong with sitting and waiting for her arrival."

[Musashi sits near the mat. She is waiting for her for a bit, as she is enjoying the view and took a small sigh. And...]
Musashi: "....."

*TAP!* *TAP!* *TAP!*
[Musashi heard a footsteps from behind. Smiles, she turned her head and saw her in her usual outfit, with her pink fox in her arms.]
Musashi: "Hiya! I know you would come here, Makoto-chan!"

]Musashi: "Hiya! I know you would come here, Makoto-chan!"

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Makoto: "Hehe... It's good to see you again, Musashi."
Musashi: "The cherry trees that grew so sudden, the path that formed as I walked. I know it's all your doing."

[Makoto just smiles at her. She just sits next to Musashi along with her pet fox.]

(Opening : Period - CHEMISTRY)

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