Lumine and Aether... The Twins from another world, traveling throughout the Universe. They went from Universe to other Universe... until an Unknown God blocked their path and captured Aether. And The Unknown God sealed Lumine's Power and leaving her...
(3RD POV) [After they done helping the victims and destroy all meteorites around Springvale and Wangshu Inn, the mystery has not been solved. So, Musashi and the others walks towards Katheryne to find some helps.] Musashi: "Um... You know anyone with expertise in curses or dark magic, Miss Katheryne? Katheryne: "Unfortunately not. Though I do know of an astrologist. As it happens, the traveling astrologist Mona is currently in Mondstadt. Do you know her?" Musashi: "Eh?"
[And... as Katheryne said that... the trio knows a lot about Mona.] Lumine: "Yes, we are acquainted." Musashi: "We help her a week ago." Katheryne: "Well that simplifies things. Please wait, I will fetch her right away."
[Katheryne just left to fetch Mona.] Musashi: "So... we are waiting?" Lumine: "Looks like it."
[And five minutes later... Katheryne returns with Mona.]
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Mona: "Someone looking for me? Who is it?" Lumine: "You're Mona!" Mona: "Oh, it's you!" So, what did you-"
[Mona realized her tears falls from her eyes. Then, she swiftly wipes it away.] Musashi: "W-What happened to you!?" Mona: "I-I'm okay! No need to be worried like that!" Lumine: "Y-You sure?"
[Mona nods once. They all didn't Mona why she's crying. Now, back to the problem.] Mona: "Astrology is an ancient and mysterious art. If your problem is a banal one, you can count me out, as I have better things to do." Paimon: "So, here's what's happened until now..."