Chapter 34 : The Rumored Alchemist!

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[10 days passed since that meteorite incident. All of the people that affected by those meteorite has turned back to their normal state.]
Musashi: "Oh, what a day."

[And, speaking of the trio... They are currently resting at their house at Serenitea Pot. As usual... Lumine and Musashi in the same room, while Paimon in her room next to them.]
Musashi: "It's been ten days since that incident."
Lumine: "I hear the people are waking up and everything turns back to normal."

[Musashi sighed in relief. At last... that problem has been solved.]
Musashi: "Yes. But still... We have to be careful around Fatui."
Lumine: "Yes. To think that Harbinger decides to come out on his own."
Musashi: "Well... That's Fatui Harbinger for ya."

[They laughes a bit. At the same time, Lumine remembers something.]
Lumine: "Say, Musashi?"
Musashi: "Hmm?"
Lumine: "When did you... have that chain?"

[Musashi tilted her head a bit.]
Musashi: "Huh? Chain?"
Lumine: "You know... the chain that you used to pull the Harbinger down to the ground."
Musashi: "....Oh! That, huh?"

[Lumine nods. Musashi just smiles as the chain appears on her left wrists.]
Musashi: "Well... I don't even know myself. For some reason, this chain suddenly appeared on my left wrist."
Lumine: "...Strange..."

[Lumine seems try to think, and...]
Lumine: "Could it be... Was it perhaps some kind of soul ability? I mean maybe your powerful soul created that chain?"
Musashi: "...Well, i don't know. Maybe it just appears like this."

[Musashi lay down on bed, followed by Lumine. Musashi pats her head and strokes Lumine's hair softly.]
Musashi: "Whatever it is. It could help us. No need to think about this too hard."
Lumine: "....I suppose so."
Musashi: "So... should we go to sleep and face tomorrow morning?"
Lumine: "...Hehe~ of course!"

[Lumine kiss Musashi's cheek and hugs her tightly. Musashi just smiling as she try to sleep. But...]
Musashi: (Well... the truth is...)

(Flashback... 9 days ago)
Guizhong: "How is the chain, Musashi-chan!? Do you like it!?"

[So... the creator of that chain... is none other than Guizhong herself.]
Musashi: "To think you can create this... Invisible gauntlet?"
Guizhong: "Yup! This invicible gauntlet is my creation. It can help you during battle!"

[Musashi giggles a bit, causing Guizhong tilts her head in confusion.]
Guizhong: "Why did you laugh? Is there something funny?"
Musashi: "N-No! It's just... to think a ghost still can make things like this."

[Guizhong is still confused. Musashi giggles again.]
Musashi: "I thought... a ghost is just only sleep and rest in-"
Guizhong: "Hey! You're totally wrong about that, missy!"

[Guizhong was offended by Musashi's words and started to get annoyed.]

(A/N : Like This

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(A/N : Like This...)

Guizhong: "Just because I've died and become a ghost, doesn't mean I'm just sleeping and carefree in your soul!"
Musashi: "Eh? What?"

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