Headache or Hangover

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Mini and Cutler is going together at Cutler's Royal Cart. Cutler said to stop the cart. He get down from the cart and said the driver to drive to home.

Mini: Hey, Where are you going?

Cutler: I had some work Mini which was pending for your....umm...what was the name?

Mini: Tennis.

Cutler: Yes, Tennis Match. So, I have to complete that.

Mini: Oh! Sorry I forgot. Let me help you.

Cutler: No! please! just go home.

Mini: But Cutler I don't want to go home that fast. I want to explore this place. (pout)

Cutler: No way! Pirates are roaming at port royal and  I don't want to put your life at any kind of risk.

Cutler looked at Mini while talking to him. She was smiling  weirdly. Cutler know what will come now. 

Cutler: No...Mini...Don't 

Mini: ISHH!!!

Cutler: Mini, Stop it!

Mini: Ohh!!! How can I? What a wonderful day It was!

She went to the flash back of yesterday,

Mini: So Cutler why the heck are you looking For pirates?

Mini asked him , watching him observing a map very attentively.

Cutler: Pirates are foul creatures. Less of them will make the world better.

Mini: hmm. (she hummed as if she is in deep thought)

Cutler: What ?

Mini: Don't you think it is wrong.

Cutler: Wrong? Mini they loot the ships of trading's. Murder people. They don't have any rights to mercery.

Mini: I believe that what those people do is wrong. But if you want to end all this, then end piracy, not pirates.

Cutler put his map down and turn his head to her, "I don't understand. What do you mean?"

Mini: I can say one thing Not every pirate is bad. We just need to understand them a little. (putting hand on his shoulder).Perhaps the situation was such that they had to take such a step.

Cutler went to a deep thought. Mini snap her finger

Mini: Hey!

Cutler: umm...Nothing.

Mini: oh I forgot. Percival is going to market I have to give him list of my things. Nice to talk to you. bye.

Cutler: bye.

He smiled and felt a little disappointment, He likes to talk to her. He likes to hear her nonstop chatter. It was like she was his only friend. He was straitening his arms and back cause Mini was resting on his arm for a long time. After some time Groves came running.

Groves: Lord Becket!!

Cutler: Yes Groves. (looking from his map)

Groves:  Doctor Sen has fallen overboard.

Becket: WHAT!!!

Becket rush to the deck without give Groves a chance to explain. He saw Mini's saree in the water.

Cutler: MINI!!! (shout)

Becket took off his coat and dived After her. He dived and dived trying to reach her. He finally grabbed her waist. He mentally sighned and swam up again. Someone threw a rope down. Cutler grabbed the rope in his one hand and other was holding unconscious Mini. When they Came up on deck.

Cutler: Mini!! Mini are you ok? (placing his hand to Mini's cheek)

She open her eyes suddenly.

Cutler: Mini! Can you hear me?

He was concern for her but for his surprise Mini lit up her eyes and flashing her teeth. Cutler taken aback.

Mini: OMG...Cutler you save me? That means you love me! Yupppiiii!!!

Cutler: What? Love?

She continue, "Cutler loves Mini! Cutler loves Mini." He is pretend to be normal but he can't help but blushed.

Mini: HAWWW....Your cheeks became red. you are blushing. Cutler loves Mini! Cutler loves Mini!

Everyone is giving weird look to Mini and Cutler. Cutler felt strange. At the same time he was feeling embarrassing and good.

Fb ends

Cutler: Mini, You were drowning. Anyone will help you let alone me.

Mini put her both hand on her waist and gave him a suspicious look.

Cutler: I have to go. Please stay here, Don't get down from this cart. Don't do any mischiefs.

He said without doing any eye contact with her. Mini flashes a toothy smile. Cutler became nervous because he know what is coming.

Cutler: Mini...No...don't....

Mini: ISHHH!!!

Cutler: AGHH!!! I will get headache if I stay here any longer.

Mini: AWW....(Putting her elbow on his shoulder) This not headache. This is the hangover of my love, which even you yourself do not want to remove from it.

Cutler: There is nothing.  (said nervous tone) The pirates are roaming here so please be aware.

Cutler left from there. He felt really nervous about this. He again looked back to the car where he can watch Mini listening music and moving her hand with rhythm.

Cutler in his mind, "What is happening with me? I can't weak to her. I am Lord Cutler Becket. I can't forget me motive." Cutler smiled, "She is still a child by heart. She deserves better life partner. Not like me. I don't love her....Cutler you can't fall in love."

Mercer called him to go inside. He nods while looking to Mini. Mercer went inside while giving Mini and cutler a glare which was unnoticed by Cutler. He was still thinking about Mini. He is concern about her safety. Mini noticed Cutler who was watching Mini in tensed eyes. Mini waved to Cutler and shout,

Mini: Aren't you getting late Lord Becket. ohhh...I got it. You are missing your headache.

Cutler rolled his eyes and walk inside muttering, "I give up!" 

Your beloved....जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें