Deep Dark Drama

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You woke up. in a bed of cyan wool. in a ancient city. 

Wardey made the breakfast. and made a gift. 

While you are eating your F/B (Favorite Breakfast). The is petting your H/C H/L Hair. after eating. he gived you a F/A.

 You petted the F/A. And Wardey wanted you to make him a pet and give it a name so you named it P/N

 Jimmy comed with netherite sword and lots of advanced players

Y/N was going to attack them. but wardey blocked you. Y/N ran away to the redstone puzzle. 

Y/N heard on the distance a sword stab and someone dying... Y/N start crying

Y/N: im an entire trash can. i made my own protector die. its all my fault.

P/N is sad because you are crying

Jimmy gived up.

Y/N and P/N walked and found warden arms.

Y/N putted an stonebrick block to conmemorate wardey. is now dead. 

Y/N and P/N are the only people that gone into wardey funeral

Wardey is alive sniffing you. confused of why you are crying.

All this chaos was in you mind Y/N


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