Reefer Ricks

324 30 7

⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

Drugs (Warning provided beforehand)

Sexual act & topic (Warning provided before those paragraphs)

2810 Words

You woke up around seven AM, and pulled your hands up to your eyes in order to rub the sleep out of them. "First day of spring break." You thought. Once you opened your eyes, looking around you realized you weren't in your room. You scanned around and saw Eddie passed out beside you, his limbs flung everywhere. "Bed's big enough for the both of us, huh?" You muttered to yourself. Eddie's left arm was laying across your body, right arm dangling off the bed, left leg bent to the side slightly and his right leg laying straight out.

You let out a sigh of a laugh, and started slowly maneuvering yourself out from under his arm, trying not to wake him. After about three minutes of slowly inching out from under his arm, you were freed! "I need to call home and see if Steve answers so he's not freaking out about where I am." You thought to yourself, quietly slipping out of Eddie's room.

Once you walked down the short hallway, leading from Eddie's room to the hallway, you saw Eddie's uncle passed out on the fold-out couch. You smiled lightly while you made your way over to the phone on the kitchen counter, grabbing it and dialing your home number. It rang for a while before the end dial tone started beeping. You softly placed the phone back into the holder, then started grabbing stuff to make breakfast for Eddie, and his uncle.

It took about twenty minutes for you to rummage through the cabinets and fridge, and find the pans. It took an additional five minutes to make some Eggo Waffles and scrambled eggs. You got two plates out of the cabinet, not getting one for yourself since you didn't like eating in the morning, and piled some Eggs on both plates, then made little three-waffle stacks on each plate, managing to be quiet enough not to wake anyone the whole time. You sat the food at the counter with stools, then made your way over to Eddie's sleeping uncle. "Excuse me, sir." You said and gently shook his shoulder.

He looked up at you and harshly blinked a few times, waking himself a bit. "I'm one of Eddie's friends, I made you some breakfast food if you'd like it." He nodded lightly and sat up while saying. "Thanks, boy." You smiled and said "No problem!" Then walked back to the kitchen. Wayne went to the kitchen, and made some clanging as he grabbed silverware before sitting down in front of the food.

You grabbed the phone off it's holder and dialed your home number again, this time it ringed for a few seconds while you played with the cord before you heard Steve's voice. "Harrington residents." You chuckled and said "Hey Steve, it's me–" You heard him let out a sigh as he heard it was you. "–I forgot my keys, so I couldn't get back in after the D&D tournament. Eddie let me crash at his place though, so I'll be back at some point." Steve started talking and said "Okay, tha–" he paused for a second. "Wait. Eddie Munson? The Hawkins High freak?" You huffed. "He's not a freak, Steve. He's actually really sweet. He's nothing like all those douches say he is." you grumbled at him. You could hear Steve mutter something before saying; "Whatever you say. Just call me if anything changes, or you need me to come get you." "Sure." you said, then hung the phone back onto its placeholder.

"Aww did you hear that Uncle Wayne? He called me sweet!" The voice from behind you smugly said, and you bounded forward, being startled as you didn't know Eddie was even awake yet. You could feel your cheeks flush a bit when Wayne started laughing, Eddie giving a big grin towards you. You huffed and muttered out "Shut up and go eat your breakfast, prick." Eddie put his hand on his chest and let out an offended gasp while saying "Rude! And you just told Steve I was a sweetheart too!" You decked him in the arm, and said "Just go eat!" your face flushed a strongly toned pink. "Ow!" Eddie huffed, puffing his bottom lip out as he scampered over to sit down beside his uncle.

Hanging with the freaks. [Eddie Munson X Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now