"Please, I'm begging you!"

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Short Author Note;
- I will attempt to make (at LEAST) weekly updates. (Long chapters)
- There will be Trigger Warnings if anything includes sex, homophobia, drugs, etc. So no worries dears <3
- Enjoy!

⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

2113 words

You'd woken up to loud knocking on your bedroom door, which caused you to spring up quickly and turning yourself to where your legs are dangling over the edge of your bed, as it startled you. Three more knocks were made on your bedroom door, and you knew damn well it was your brother, Steve, impatient as always, waking you up for something... which is most likely stupid again.

You rub at your eyes whilst standing up, attempting to rub the sleepiness out of them before walking to your door and pulling it open to see, you guessed it, Steve. He stood in front of you and just looked at you like a dumb goat.

"What do you want, Steve?" He chuckled and said "Get ready grumpy, you're coming to the pep rally with me." You scrunched your nose at him while irritatedly saying "Since when?" Steve huffed and blatantly said "Please don't do this today. I get you don't like school, but it would still do you some good to go. You can chit chat with Robin or Chrissy or someone until it starts, but I'm not letting you stay here until you normally get up cause we all know you'd just skip. So get ready" He turned to close your door, and said "If you're not ready in 10 minutes I'm dragging you out of the house in whatever condition you're in." You groaned out of annoyance as he closed the door, then you turned and walked to your dresser, beginning to pull clothes out.

Steve annoys you often, everyone knows it. But you're both grateful as can be for each other, after your parents decided to pack up and leave the day after Steve graduated you guys were all each other really had. You both worked at Family Video with Robin to pay off bills, and other than that just kinda fended for yourselves.

You threw on a AC/DC shirt with a jean jacket that had flame designs crawling up it, and a pair of loose-fitted dark blue jeans that had holes and a link of chains hanging off it. Grabbing a bag of ''special made'' gummies and shoving it in your pocket before quietly going to the restroom and messing with your hair to give it a bit of a shaggy, messy style.

You brushed your teeth, and quickly ate a gummy when you heard Steve call for you. When you made it to the car, you hopped in the front passenger seat and just went along for the ride, letting the gummy kick in as you went to pick Robin up.

When you arrived at the school, you all piled out of the car and walked towards the school. Steve left halfway through walking so he could go meet his date. You caught Robin looking at you out of your peripheral vision a few times. "Hey, Y/n?" You looked over to her, no expression really on your face as you said "huh?" Your head felt like it moved ten times more than it did. God you loved the way being high felt, it kinda just took every worry away. "Are you high?" You snapped out of your completely gone state, and just said nothing as you knew you couldn't lie to Robin, she'd find out anyway. You huffed and answered her while pushing the  school doors open "Yea, I am. You can NOT tell Steve though. He'd kill me Robin. Seriously." You said as you tried to pull your mind back together to talk to her.

"You.... you think I care?" She started busting out laughing, snickering some yet she tried not to pull any attention to you guys.

You just blankly stared at her until she looked at you and said "Y/n, I don't care that you do... whatever you do. I just wanted to know if you were high or there was something wrong. Of course I won't tell Steve." She smiled at you.

You let out a large sigh of relief, and said "Thanks Robin. I really, really don't know what I'd do without you." While chuckling. You relaxed more, your mind drifting back into a relaxed state and allowing the weed to take over some. You gave her a light hug and said "Imma go do my thing now."  Chuckling lightly at yourself for absolutely nothing. "Just be safe, Y/n."

Hanging with the freaks. [Eddie Munson X Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now