Centuries or a few millennia ago, before modern times.

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((Onto the story!))


Narrator's POV:

Long ago in a time that has long been forgotten by many, a time when the knights patrolled the lands far and wide, where castles stood tall and unchallenged, with creatures like beasts or dragons roamed wild, and magic ruled the lands. In this land, there stood a castle that resided a young and fair royal maiden who loved to paint, a young and fair maiden's name was Goriel Morningstar. Who was of royal blood and the next in line for the throne, after her older brother Vance Morningstar of course. Eventually, a horrible tragedy would make its way into their lives and soon a tough decision was to be made regarding the kingdom. A time of peace and prosperity would soon be disrupted by a bout of war and dismay, which would lead to the hard decision-making of the young and fair maiden Goriel after the death of her older brother Vance. Along with unforeseen circumstances and events that have yet to come to pass, that will decide and determine her fate and very being. This is her tale...

Goriel POV: Medieval/Renaissance Era before the war.

I was currently in my bedroom chambers painting a portrait of the castle courtyard in my free time, after having learned a new lesson on different ways to paint beautiful sceneries from my mentor. While I was amusing myself and doing so I hadn't taken notice, that my older brother Vance was standing quietly outside of my chamber doorway watching me painting silently. I took immense pride and care in my painting whenever I was in the middle of creating art, I would always memorize every stroke of the paintbrushes, every single detail that was drawn, and every shade of color used in my works of art. As I was nearing the end of having made this painting months ago, I soon heard a soft and yet familiar chuckle that I recognized all too well that made me speak up in slight annoyance.
I sighed heavily turning around to face my older brother, Vance, I spoke up at him saying "What is it, brother... Can't you see I'm very busy at the moment here?".  But alas to my dismay, he retorted back at me saying "Aww did I disrupt you again, my dear sweet little sister? Don't you know, that we'll be late again for father's announcements again if you don't hurry up?".  My eyes had widened quite intensely from what Vance my brother, had said to me since I for one was never one to be late...not ever, and I wasn't going to start now.
I had stopped what I was currently doing to immediately go and get ready, as my handmaidens came to assist me in cleaning, helping me bathe, and getting dressed for the day.  I had noticed my older brother Vance had already left to go on ahead of me, which to me felt quite relieving to be alone bathing quietly in the scent of rose petals and herbal oil extracts to calm my nerves.  I sighed softly looking around my surroundings and staring at the cold stone walls that made up our home castle, as I traced my delicate fingers along every grove and line along those walls of the stone out of worry and curiosity.  I thought long and hard about what my father's announcement could be about, all while I was finishing up my bath, and once done I stepped out of the bathroom chambers into my room to proceed to get dressed.

-Meanwhile with Prince Vance-

Vance's POV arriving and before leaving Goriel's chambers:

I sighed slightly more now walking through these old corridors, having to go visit my younger sister in high hopes for her to be ready as I made my way to my sister's bedroom chambers.  But upon my arrival and to my dismay, she was painting and still in her nighttime garments unaware of my presence.  That is until I chuckled softly letting her know I was there watching her, as she turned to face me and said, " What is it, brother... Can't you see that I'm very busy at the moment here?".  In return I retorted back saying, "Aww did I disrupt you again, my dear sweet little sister? Don't you know, that we'll be late again for Father's announcements if you don't hurry up?".  Her reaction to what I had said was priceless because she had immediately dropped what she was doing, as she immediately called for her handmaidens to help her get ready quickly.  By this time I had already left to go on ahead and probably stall our father long enough, just so she could finish getting ready and meet us all in the throne room for the announcements Father has to say to the kingdom.

((Finally... done with page two))

The Red Army's data logs: Goriel Morningstar (Eddsworld fic)Where stories live. Discover now