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BEEP ....... BEEP ..... BEEP the heart machine beeps as harry lays in the hospital bed as louis cries in agony and pain not knowing what was going on

"Please doc tell me the truth is he going to live" louis questions as he cries into harrys hand as he holds it tight

"mr styles I don't know he is in a coma and we don't know when or if he will ever wake up" the doctor says cautiously as harrys parents walk in the room as anne gasps

"what happened" robin asks

"he was in a car accident an ambulance hit him" louis says crying

"is he is he dead" anne questions

"no he is in a coma" the doctor says as he tells harrys parents the same thing

"louis you can go rest anne and I can stay with him for a few hours" robin says

"no I cant leave what if he wakes up and I am not here" louis says crying not wanting to let harry go "please andsome please come back to me"

"louis you want something to drink or eat" robin asks

"no I want him to come back to me" louis says crying "andsome remember when we met"


Louis was in his third year of university and was working at a nearby restaurant to pay for his school and supplies his parents helped him as much as they could  and louis got the job to pay for  things for school not wanting his parents to not have any money for his 6 siblings

"louis" keith yells out louis manager

"yes" louis says as he walks to him

"I need you to clear out tables 15 and 22 robert called in sick and we are short one busboy" keith says

"sure no problem" louis says as he starts to clear the tables he was asked to clean and when he is done with the first one he goes to the next one as the hostess goes to louis

"I sat 3 guests at your section the one with the irish accent is for me" lola says as she winks at Louis

"stop it" louis says laughing "but you know me I will get his number for you"

"you are the best wingman ever" lola says as they start to laugh and louis finishes cleaning the table and goes to wash his hands and goes to his table

"afternoon gentlemen I see you got your drinks are you ready to order or would you like a few more minutes" louis says as he looks at the 3 gentle men sitting down

"I am ready" one with brown eyes says

"I need a few minutes "the one with the irish accent says and louis makes a mental note to get his number for lola

"niall we always come here and you always get the same thing" the green eye one says and louis continues to stare at him  and louis makes a mental note to tell lola the irish one name is niall "give us a few more minutes"

'sure I will come back in a few" louis says as he walks away from the table and goes to lola

"hey" lola says

"his name is niall but the one with the chocolate curls and green eyes that one is mine" louis says with a wide smile

"your crazy but damn I mean he is good looking" lola says

"but look at those fingers he can realign my chakras anytime" louis says as he bites the inside of his mouth

"you know what they say the dick matches the feet" lola says

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