Missing you every day, C

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To the boy I've loved the most in my whole life.

Dear CV
It's crazy how love can make you feel alive and change your mood in a second. Just let me tell you that meeting you was the best thing that has happen to me in my entire life. I'm really grateful for that, because mi amor, I love everything about you, the way you are and the way you make me feel. I still remember the first time I saw you in person, how handsome you looked. Even if I was so nervous I wanted to hug you so bad. How I wouldn't want if I was waiting for that moment for so long.

I know that not everything has been good, we had our differences. However I don't care about them, because the love I feel for you is stronger than that.

If I could make a wish, it would definitely be to be close to you, and I'm not talking about feelings because I feel your love wherever I am. I'm talking about being able to see you, kiss you and hug when we want. I never hated miles so much until I met you, because being far from you It's my nightmare every day.
I miss you so much, but I love you more every day and that's what matters.

With all my love, I.

Yes, I wrote this letter even if we have 3 months since we broke up. Sounds crazy, but this is the only way I can get my feelings out. I wish I had the strength to text you, but I'm afraid about you don't feeling the same about me anymore.


Hello everyone! I wrote this imagining "C" and I are still together, and thinking about giving this letter to him if we meet up in person again.

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