Ramen Kisses

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I rolled over in bed, my hand firmly holding onto my phone and my thumb busily tapping away. I had been chatting with Hana since I woke up and out of no where, she linked me to a random performance video of UNIQ, claiming that I 'must check them out'. So imagine her surprise when I told her how I already knew of them.


You: yeah

Hanana: dont lie to me

You: im not

Hanana: prove it

You: do I have to?

You: ==

Hanana: prove it

Hanana: prove it

Hanana: prove it

Hanana: prove it

Hanana: take a picture of yibo

Hanana: take a picture of yibo

Before I was bombarded with spam, I turned my phone to silent and roughly neatened up before dragging myself next door in order to 'prove it'. I casually let myself into their place and was greeted with the sight of Sungjoo walking in from the balcony in the midst of putting a singlet on. At the sight of me, he clumsily dived to the floor behind a couch.

'Yah! At least announce when you're coming in!' He cried. I just rolled my eyes and walked over to the kitchen to see Yibo standing by the stove with some of the others hanging around. I quickly took a photo to send to Hana.


Hanana: That could be anyone

You: are you kidding me?

Just as I was taking another photo, Yibo coincidentally looked up.

Yibo flinched at the sight of me. 'Oh my god...' I heard him mutter under his breath as he leaned against the counter.

'When did you get here?' He interrogated.

'Just now.' I held up my phone and got the camera ready.

'What are you doing...?' I dismissed his question by holding up my phone at him.

'Hold still, I need to take a picture.' Before he could resist, I snapped a closer shot of him.

I started laughing at his highly unamused face.

'What was that for?'

'Proof. Don't worry. don't worry. Just continue cooking your...' I quickly glanced at the stove, '...ramen.' I said judgmentally.

'What's wrong with ramen?' Yibo retorted, sensing my disapproval.

'It's like 9am in the morning. Not even.' I said. Yibo then placed one hand on my shoulder and held the other up to my face to silence me.

'Chi, ramen is good anytime of the day.'

I looked over Yibo's shoulder to get support from the more rational Yixuan.

'He insisted.' Yixuan said flustered, throwing his hands up in the air. I shook my head and went to crash on their couch.

Hanana: W

Hanana: T

Hanana: F

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