Chapter 4

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Its finally thursday now so here I am in the private jet seating peacefully while drinking my ice coffee.

" Guys after meeting the Italian Mafia there lets all have fun." Sky suggested

" Yeah, that sounds fun"

"El what are u doing?"

"Im literally watching a movie"

"What is it about?"

" So the wife gets brutally killed by a killer and the son gets really hurt and gets kidnapped so the dad goes on a quest to find his son with a mentally disabled woman." I responded blankly

"Oh that sounds awesome. What movie is that?"

"Finding Nemo"

Skylar smacked me in the face "I- how dare u?!"

"What? Technically what I said was right" I shrugged

The others just laughed while Skylar tried her best to resist the urge to strangle me. Lol

Hours later

We finally arrived in Italy and we went to one of our mansions.

"Okay everyone since the meeting starts in two hours do something that you all want and then we will meet in the living room by 1:30pm."

"Hmm okay"

"Fine by me"


We all went to our separate rooms and I went to my bedroom.

I put my mini luggage there and decided to unpack later since im too lazy. I went to the bathroom to freshen up. As I look at the mirror there I saw my scars. They were already old scars, from old memories. I should just forget those memories. They're just a waste of time.

After freshening up I decided to take a little nap.

1:23 pm

I woke up and saw the time... perfect timing. I sat up from the bed and went to my walk in closet to get ready.

 I sat up from the bed and went to my walk in closet to get ready

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After getting ready I went out and saw the others already there. Earlybirds

We all went to the car and Andrew drove us to the company where the meeting will get held at.

After 20 minutes we finally arrived at their company.

"Wow, they have a huge company" Skylar said surprised.

We all went inside and saw an employee

"Good afternoon, do you guys have an appointment?"

"Yeah we do, its xxxxx"

The employee nodded and typed something on her computer before smiling " Okay, please follow me"
We followed her to the 15th floor until we arrived to a room. It had "Mafia Don: Sandro Greco" written on a gold plate.

The employee knocked on the door and we hear a deep voice say "Come in". The employee opened the door and smile at us before leaving.

"We went inside and there we saw 8 people. All of them were tall boys and they had this scary, powerful and cold aura."

"Yow ice, that guy over there lowkey looks like you" Andrew told me

I looked at where he was looking and he was correct. He and I looked so alike except for our hair color. Well must be a coincidence.

I looked back to the front and saw all of them looking at us. "Have a seat" The old man in the center told us.

"You all must be the people we talked to last monday. Pleasure to meet you"

"Yes it was us, pleasure to meet you too Don Sandro" I spoke to him with the same cold tone

The 12 of us decided to introduce ourselves until it was done.

"Okay enough talking, lets go to business"

End of Chapter: 4

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