ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ

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You sat on the ground of the princess room, weeping. You were just a lowly lapdog for the Demon King now, steadily worsening your mental health.

You wondered if the group helped the town get all of there prized possessions and faces back without you.

It would be better if you didn't try to escape. It would send the King in a fit of rage, and you might be caught as a prisoner for questioning if the group caught you.

There was a knock on the door, separating you from your thoughts. A weak 'come in' escaped your lips, signaling it was okay.

The door busts the door clear off of the hinges, making you slightly back up in shock.

There stood the imps, ushering you to leave. They constantly pushed on your back. You yelled your stuff was behind, so one imp raced back to grab everything, out it in the parcel, and threw it to you.

The same imp opened a window, and started helping the rest push your bottom. "H-Hey!" This was starting to make you uncomfortable.

You were hunched over the windowsill, being constantly pushed over it, making an awful scene to the guards who stayed for protection.

They quickly walked away from the intimate scene while the imps pushed you harder.

You finally tumbled out the window, falling once again into the bushes. You watched as guards raced past you to help with the situation at hand

Screaming and yelling went unheard in your ears as you grab you parcel and ran out to the broken cobblestone. You ran and ran until you found an inn. You walked in the door, bloody and tired. The innkeepers ran to your side and help you step into a room.

You collapsed onto the bed, bag right beside you as you slept.

Unbeknownst to you, someone else was here.


They were bloody tired. They tried to fight the Demon King on their own, but ultimately failed. They wishes they could've have your power.

They each collapsed onto their respective beds, before a darkness ate away at the sky.

He was here.

Nightmare slowly walked into the inn, making people quake in fear with every step he took. He smiled before darkness overcame the inn, leaving most in a inky mist.

He trudged up the stairs before checking in the rooms. He saw the group dead asleep on their beds, making him smile wickedly.


You were awoken from your slumber by a knock at your door.

Do not open that.

Well, why not?

The Demon King is waiting at the door. Quickly, leave through the window.

What is with you and leaving through the window? Whatever, you scourge around for you pitchfork before realizing you had gotten a bit shorter.


Yes, the Dark Lord has stored your power deep inside you. Choose another job, young child.

Ugggghhhh. Fine.

[Name] has became a glich!

Great. Now people would make fun of you for being a glich.

Leave! Quickly, child!

You ram you shoulder blade into the glass window pane, making it shatter. The shards clattered on the floor, alerting the king outside.

You place your hand on the windowsill were the shards were kept ajar.

You fling yourself out the window, tearing the skin on your palm from the thick pieces of glass.

You hiss, you palm full of the inky black substance. You drag your bloodied plan on your coat and continued to run.

You ran and ran until you found yourself in a while new plane of existence. You watched as you sink into the sand below, picking up your feet and hopping along so you wouldn't sink.

It was getting tricky though. You only sank faster as you hopped along the path. You panicked, the sand was now at your waist.

You attempt to dig yourself out, only to plunge further in the sand. It was to your neck when you had decided to give up. You can't defeat the Demon King if your bones are buried in the sand!

You close your eyes and shut your mouth. If you did die, you didn't want it to make it more painful by getting sand into your mouth and eyes.

Suddenly, something grabbed your hand. It pulled you through halfway through the sand before letting out a hefty sigh.

You dusted sand out of the crevasses of your eyes to get a better look at your savior.

He had golden blonde hair, wisping and frilling at the ends. (Outfit on top because there is no way I can describe this at 2:35 am. Drawing by me, do not use without my permission,)

He held onto a staff, a reflective silver. It did a figure eight at the top, leavatating golden balls in the middle.

"Please hold onto the staff! I will get you out momentarily!" He seemed nervous talking to you. Shy, you guessed.

You did as you were told and grab onto it. He pulled, much to his arms soreness and complaining. He soon got you out the sand, making you thank him.

"It's no problem. My name's Dream, what's yours?"


Aieeee!! People actually like my book! I'm so happy! Thank you for a hundred and twenty views! It really means a lot to me!

Also, please tell me if I have any spelling errors, grammer issues, or accidental uppercase in Sans' or Red's dialogue.

Have a good day/night!

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