five .

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nailea has struggled with depression with her whole life. after her dad died, she hasn't been able to become herself again, which is why she resulted to drugs. when rue's dad died, she felt the pain with rue. it was the saddest thing to see thirteen year old girls go through.

except that nailea dealt with her depression by not eating and not socializing. she had great friends already, she didn't need any more. what was strange is that she did seem happy, but when she was alone it was bad. poor elliot thinking he would
be the one to "save" nailea.

elliot's point of view

i try calling nailea, but she won't answer. i'm wondering if rue gave me the wrong answer. it seems like she was doing okay the day before, i didn't do anything. i'm going to keep overthinking because she hasn't answered me.

"rue! you sure you gave me the right number?" i ask her, worried and annoyed.

"i know i gave you the right number. she's just not answering, i don't know." rue snaps back, almost frantic.

we do more drugs, lines of coke and weed blunts. rue is drowning herself in the music in her own thoughts. i keep thinking about nailea, but my thoughts are interrupted when rue's phone goes off.

rue goes to answer the phone, she seems stressed. waking around the room, talking and yelling. she rushes out of the room before i get to say bye. i end up falling asleep in deep thought worrying about my two only friends.

rue point of view

i rush out of elliot's house to go to fez's. supposedly nailea is freaking the fuck about something and she needs someone there. while running over there i think about how elliot cares about her when they barely met.

he kept saying that he was going to help her through her mental health, he was like a fucking god or something. it was so annoying to see him say that, i know for a fact that he doesn't know what she's going through, like dude shut the fuck up.

i get to the house to hear crying and screaming, i rush over to nailea to see that she's having a bad panic attack. i go and hug her and tell her she's okay and im im there. i kiss her head and rock her side to side. i hate seeing her like this.

she had a nightmare of her dad dying. her sad died right in front of her in a shooting. she gets these nightmares and thoughts about them that makes her have panic attack. she gets stuck and only i can help her.

nailea seems okay again and looks up at me and apologized over and over again. i told her it was okay, we always do this when we fight.

she looks at her phone confused, someone was calling her. except the number wasn't saved, she looks at me hesitantly and answers the phone.

nailea's point of view

"hello?" i say after answering the phone, scared i'm who's calling me.

"nailea? are you okay" i hear elliot's voice on the other line, i release my breath i didn't even know i was holding.

"holy shit you scared me." i continue, "how'd you get my number"

"rue gave it to me, i wanted to talk to you." i swear i could hear him smiling while he was speaking.

"i'll call you later. i'm with rue." i say quickly hanging up, scared of what rue would think.

next thing you know it, rue was gone when i looked back. i looked all over the house to see no sight of rue. i grow confused, why would she leave without saying anything? why would she leave at all?

rue's point of view

i can't fucking stand it. she acts so fucking happy when she finds out it's elliot. like it's just elliot. she should be more happy for me when i literally was there for her. i just need to get out of there.

i run out of her place before she sees the tears in my eyes. once i'm out of there i walk mindlessly while listening to music, crying the whole time. i'm never the type to have these emotions because i'm high. but even when i'm high, it still affects me.

i walk to jules house because that's where my feet lead me. i greet jules' dad and run up the stairs to her room. i knock the door to see her laying down on her stomach on her phone. she looks up to see what's happening and her face goes blank.

she rolls her eyes and walks into the bathroom, ignoring my presence. i sit on her bed crying the whole time, anxiously shaking my right leg. when she walks out she hugs me, noticing that i was crying.

we stay like that for a while, and i remember why i loved jules so much. before we got together it was a pure relationship, i don't know what changed but it made her really difficult. i eventually speak up, not knowing what to say.

"i'm sorry." i say, not really meaning it.

"it's okay, i don't know what happened" jules speaks up, "but i'm here if you want to talk about it."

i sit there contemplating whether or not to tell her. 

I feel bad that I didn't reach out or anything, but she's the one that left. i'll tell her eventually that I like nailea, but today is not the day. I give some lame ass excuse saying that I don't want to talk about it. jules doesn't know that elliot is even a person in my life, so I think it's better that I don't tell her.

she looks at me in a sad way, she always looks at me like that and I fucking hate it. like i'm fragile, I go to the door and thank her before I start an argument. 

I officially am sick of elliot.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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