two .

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everybody wanted to be with nailea and when I tell you everybody, i'm saying everybody. it bothered nailea a lot, she didn't like people talking about her like she was some toy to fuck and that she didn't have feelings. she's at least heard thousands of stories of people describing how they'll fuck her in a party coming up. the possibilities of that story coming true was extremely low, one, she barely goes to parties, two, she's a virgin.

rue was always worried of something happened to nailea when she'd disappear. in the end, she was always okay. something was different about new years eve, so much shit was about to go down. 

at the new years party

they all walk into the party as a group, the group including: fez, rue, ashtray, and nailea. rue held nailea's hand tightly as if she would float away. some can say rue was worried, others will say she was terrified for nailea. I mean, I can't blame her. 

"yo, i'll be sitting on the couch. let me know if you need anything" fez stated as he walked over to the couch.

"ima head over there" ash says pointing over to the corner of the house. they others nod and walk over to maddy and the group. 

rue and nailea sat down drinking whatever was in the cup, not caring whatsoever. all the others were shocked, including kat, maddy, lexi and bb. they haven't seen nailea so dressed up. maddy decided to speak up first.

"NAILEAAA, you look really hot. someone's trying to get laid tonight" maddy teased with a small smirk on her face, almost as if she knew what nailea has been planning. 

"thank you, mads. I don't know, I sorta had a feeling that tonight is going to be different than all of the others." nailea explained with a little blush on her cheeks, nervous about the night. 

rue grabbed nailea's hand and pulls her away before anyone else can speak. rue leads them to a hall with nobody around, rue got anxious with the crowds.

"you good?" nailea asked worried.

"yeah, I guess i'm a little nervous to see jules." rue explained as her hands shaking.

"you'll be okay, let's find a place to hang out, then we'll face all of our problems." nailea says while opening the door to the washing machine.

when nailea opened the door she notice someone doing drugs, she quickly closed the door and muttered a quick sorry. then rue opened the door again, being stupid asking what drugs he's doing. he tries to plays it off as if he works for a washing machine company. nailea rolls her eyes at the interaction and ends up doing drugs with him and rue. rue almost dies and he helps her.

"is this normal" he asks nailea with worry.

"hm depends how many drugs she's done" nailea just sighs with her head resting on rue's shoulder. 

"I thought we all did the same amount" he stated confused.

"we did," nailea points in between them, "not rue, she does a lot of drugs"

they all ended up walking over to the campfire, just bullshitting and having fun. nailea and elliot has a lot of chemistry, it almost felt like they've known each other for their whole life. they hung out the whole night, rue got bored and walked over to maddy to live it up a little. nailea excused herself to go to the bathroom.

while she was walking she caught a lot of stares. a lot of whispers and winks. she got really uncomfortable and rushed to the bathroom. she looked at herself and took a deep breath. she got caught up with elliot tonight, maybe he was the one. she make sure she look pretty and exited the bathroom.

getting back, elliot looked up and admired her beauty. she was so fucking pretty, he couldn't believe that she was talking to him. while she was gone to the bathroom, he couldn't help and get that nervous feeling in his stomach, as if it was butterflies. 

elliot's point of view.

I think I like her, I keep getting nervous around her. she is way out of my league though, like way out of my league. she is fucking beautiful. she looks like she would be in a magazine for perfumes, I don't really know why she is talking to me. I want to ask for advice, but I literally have no other friends. i'll go ask rue, she knows nailea.

"hey rue," I say walking up to her with my hands in my pocket, "can I talk to you?'

rue laughs and walks over to the hall so the others couldn't hear. 

"whats up?" rue asks, then slowly catches on.

"I think I like someone, but I don't know if i do." I explain slowly with hand gestures.

"you fucking like nai, holy shit, she was right. she was going to meet someone. woah, she can tell the future."

"calm down rue, but she actually said that? she's way out of my league. no way she likes me back"

"i'll go ask her" rue runs off before i stop her.

I walk over to maddy and them, nai told me all about them. they all stared at me and tried to read my emotions, I didn't think maddy is good at that.

"who do you like? you look really fucking lost" maddy laughs while saying that almost as if she can read my mind.

"why would I tell you" I snap back, scared that if I tell her she'll tell nai.

"I won't tell whoever it is. i'm cool like that, I don't fuck with snitches." maddy emphasizes on the snitches, which I ignore.

"i'll give you a hint, she's really pretty and has a black dress on tonight" I thought that it wouldn't give it away, but I guess it did because they all gasped.

"you like nailea? everybody does honestly, i'm not surprised." kat said with a smirk on her face, then looked me up and down, almost checking if i'm good enough for her.

"who likes me?"


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