𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 01 ;; 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘮

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THE SHOWER could be heard from the bathroom with the song "Fell in love with a girl" by The White Stripes. When the shower stopped, the door opened. Out came M/N with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair put into a low ponytail, he was looking at his phone with a speaker in hand bobbing his head slightly to the music playing from the speaker.

"YO, M/N COME DOWNSTAIRS!" A man, otherwise known as Riley yelled from downstairs. "I'M COMING GIVE ME A MINUTE!" M/N yelled walking to his closet, he looked in the closet and found something cool yet comfy, the outfit consisted of some baggy black jeans with two studded belts along with his MCR black parade shirt. He got changed and put on a pair of socks and headed downstairs, he didn't do much with his hair because his dad (Andrew) did it for him. M/n was looking at his phone when one of his dads spoke, "You finally decided to come downstairs, huh?" Andrew said leaning on the counter brush in hand. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," M/N muttered under his breath. Unfortunately, Andrew heard this and smacked the boy upside the head with the brush, earning a grunt from the teen. "Drew leave the poor boy alone," Riley said putting a plate in front of M/N as he sat down, "So, are you excited M/N?" Andrew asked as he brushed through the boy's long hair. Right, Today was UA's entrance exam, when someone asked him about it he simply replied with either "For fun, I guess." or "I'm gonna be the next spider-man." The second one was a joke, but he liked to mess with people, and surprisingly they believed it. 

"I guess so, but the written exam, eh, not so much," M/N replied chewing on a piece of toast, while he was scrolling through his phone he looked at the time. His eyes widened and he nearly choked on his food. "OH, SHIT- I GOTTA GO." M/N stood up, grabbed his hair tie from his dad, put his red converse on, kissed both of his parents goodbye and grabbed his board, and ran out the door. He got a running start and rode his way to the school, swerving past people while saying a couple of quiet "excuse me's" to the people he almost ran into. His long H/C hair waving behind him as he sped up, as he saw the school come into view he slowed down a bit. He slowly glided past a few people, when he looked to his left he saw some kid floating mid-air. He rose an eyebrow at the kid but didn't question it. As he approached the stairs he hopped off the board and went inside. There were a lot of people already there so he sat at his assigned seat next to some kid with navy blue hair, he looked...stiff. His back was as straight as a line, M/N on the other hand was slouching. M/N zoned out for a bit, but he was soon snapped out of his trance after a loud voice was heard,

"LET ME HEAR YOU SAY YEAHHHHH!" The pro hero; Present Mic enthusiastically yelled, but he was met with silence in response. "GREAT! Let's get this party started. Ten-minute combat will be waged in a super-urban environment! After I drop the mic here you'll head to your specified battle centers, everyone got that?" He was met with silence once again. The hero continued explaining, "Each fight center area will have three different types of pseudo villains distributed across it. The number of points you receive will be determined by the villain you are successful in eliminating. This means that your primary objective is to use your quirk to immobilize the fictitious villains! Of course, attacking or threatening other examinees is completely forbidden." After the hero stopped talking M/N leaned on his palm and sighed, "Can we just start already?" M/N muttered under his breath. He was bored out of his mind. He started tapping his painted nails on the table in front of him, he started humming a random tune.

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