Chapter 2-I'm a What?!

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I woke up more groggy then usual. Then I started to remember the previous nights events. I quickly threw the sheets off my lower half.

"Whew, I still have legs. Man that was the weirdest thing that has every happened to me." I sat on the edge of the bed, trying to contemplate what had happened the night before. It was all so bizarre, am I really a mermaid? I looked over at my door to see Victoria and Bulma standing in the doorway.

"Oh thank Kami your okay Rochelle, we were worried you would be asleep for a week!" Bulma said. I smiled at the sight of my family. There were just the people I needed to see right now.

"Yeah well, I'm awake now. How long was I out?" I asked.

"Only the night" Tori said. Good it was only the night.

"Hey Bulma, I just want to ask Victoria something, I'll be down for breakfast in a minute."

"Okay, but hurry. I made waffles and bacon." Then Bulma left to go down stairs. It's not that I wanted her leave, I just need to tell Victoria about last night. I need someone to talk to.

"Okay, now before you start yelling questions in my face, I need to tell you something." I tell Victoria.

"Alright. Is it about last night?"

"Yeah, it is. You know what, I'll just tell you the whole story." I told her everything that happened last night, including what I saw before I blacked out.

"Whoa! So what does it mean? Are you a mermaid or what? Tori almost yelled.

"I told you, I'm not sure!" That was almost to loud, "I haven't tried anything. I just woke up you know."

"Well than what are we waiting for!" Tori grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bathroom. She turned on the water to the bathtub.

"I'm not sure about this." I could feel my tail spazzing nervously behind me. I'm never nervous about going into water, but I did not want to get into the water at all. The bathtub was finally full. Tori turned off the water and as I was about to make a run for it, she grabbed my tail. Not to hard, but it was enough to make my legs limp.

"I didn't want to have to do that." Tori picked me up and put me into the water fully clothed! Oh man when I get my hands on her.

Then the familiar feeling came over my legs. The water began to bubble and Victoria's eyes went as wide as dinner plates. I looked down at my legs to see the familiar mint green tail. There were to golden rings around where the end of my tail and fin connect. There was also a long "dorsal" fin that went all the way from the top of my tail to the fin on the back of my tail. I felt towards the top of my tail and noticed that my Saiyan tail was gone. There was a wrap around my chest. It looked to be made out of the same material my training gi is made out of and it's the color of my tail. I felt to the top of my head to see that there was a headband made out of the same color gems and one lone seashell in the middle. My hair was the same color, but much longer.

"Wow!" Tori and I said in Unison.

"This is amazing!" tori said.

"I know it is, but this is something you can't tell anyone. You have to make sure that anything from my hips down don't get wet when I'm in public. You have to promise to keep this a secret and to help protect me. Okay!"

"Okay, and I'm sorry I grabbed your tail. How about I help you out of there?"

"That would be helpful." Tori helped me out and helped me get dried off.

We went downstairs to get breakfast. I never realized that turning into a mermaid would make me so hungry. I had my plate full of waffles and bacon. After we ate, we decided that we would fly out to Mount Paozu to see the Son Family. I mean I see Gohan all the time when I'm training with him and Piccolo, but I rarely see Goten and Chi Chi.

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