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I'm starting to loose my mind.

Josephine is peacefully sleeping in my bed at this exact moment. At least one of us is at peace despite the unfavorable circumstances.

I almost did something. Something I cannot even put into words. Something that scared me. I don't think I've ever really felt scared before. Not before something as hearth breaking as this.

Last week Josephine spent the night in my room, like she usually did, but something was different. I cannot explain what I did differently, perhaps she did something to trick my mind. All I know, is that it shouldn't have gone that far in the beginning.

When Josephine touched my chin with her fragile hands from so up close, my mind went blank for a second. My vision went blurry, my hearing and sense of smell to its peak. And that was what started the avalache of unvortunate events.

The sound of Josephine's very alive heart beating this rapidly, with such power found its way to the back of my mind. The locked area. The forbidden one. Now she was the one holding the keys, and that's what made it highly terrifying. Those keys should never be under a poor human's control.

It was the smell too. Even the scent of  lavender soap that was spread all over her body wasn't enough to cover the vivid smell of hers.

So as she did touch my chin, my fangs started to hurt more and more. They sank into the soft skin of my lips, making a small cut, some of my blood reaching them.

The mind crushing part was that Joespine never even knew that she wasn't touching me at that moment.

She was touching a horrible beast, that has almost lost its self control.


I called Marleen and requested her to take her daughter home that night, despite it being the middle of the night. I also promised myself to keep my distance from her for a while.

Yet, not even a week went by and she's snoring right next to me quietly.

Cillian Milford,
September 24, 1852

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