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I'm back guys! Here's chapter one of my first Sae-Byeok story, enjoy!

I've never had it easy in my life. Debts, abandonment and heartbreak. Whenever I thought I had received love, it was taken from me. Now, trust and honesty are difficult to achieve from me.

It all started when my parents divorced. I never really understood why it took almost 20 years. My dad emotionally, sometimes physically, abused me and my mother a lot when I was a toddler, still going on to my teen years. Even if they don't live together anymore, I still had to listen to his words everyday.

Later on, my mother remarried and had a daughter. My dad too, but he never mentioned them until I found out myself.

When I turned 14, I came out as gay and the reactions were divers. My dad refused to see or talk to me any longer, saying that it doesn't belong in his family, but my mom didn't really care. My friends back hen didn't mind either, they were pansexual.

2 years later, she died in a car crash along with my stepfather and stepsister. My brother went on to live with my dad, but I refused to do the same. Instead, I got put into an orphanage until I was 18. They didn't really give a shit about me, so I survived on stealing and pick-pocketing afterwards. But one day changed my life without my knowledge... 

I sat on a bench outside with a latte that I bought with stolen money when a man sat down next to me. He wore a gray suit and held a black suitcase in his hand.

The Man: Good evening, ma'am. Can I ask you something?

Eh what?

I slid towards the other end of the bench.

Y/n: I'm not interested in guys.

The Man: Would you like to play a game of Ddjaki with me?

He pulled out a blue card and a red card.

Is he for real?

Y/n: Why would I?

The Man: If you flip my card over, you'll get 100 000 Won.

(73€ or $77)

But if I flip yours, you'll pay me the same amount.

100 000? Hell yeah, that's so much money. But what if I lose, I can't pay back.

Y/n: But uh, what if I'm broke and can't pay?

He hasn't changed his facial expression since he came here, I'm gonna wipe that smile off his face.

The Man: You'll pay with your body.

My eyes widened.

Y/n: W-what the fuck do you mean by that?

The Man: Like this.

Suddenly, he slapped me across the face and continued smiling while my cheek was red and burning.

Y/n: The fuck...?

The Man: You see?

If that's all, then fuck it.

Y/n: Fine, let's play.

This game consisted of me getting slapped and him flipping my card over and over and over again. If he was a woman, I would enjoy the slaps, but that's another topic.

After what felt like 50-60 slaps, I was finally able to flip his. It was dark by then, but I screamed and jumped like a kid nonetheless while the man clapped to congratulate me. Once I calmed down, I raised my hand to slap him, but he stopped me from doing so and gave me the 100 000 in cash.

The man: Here, your money!

Oh yeah, I remember. That's the whole reason I started playing.

Before he left he gave me a card with 3 symbols on it.

The Man: If you want to play more games like this, call this number. But be quick, we only have a few places left.

I looked at the number carefully, not knowing what to say. When I raised my head, he was gone.

What in the holy titan? Where did he go? Whatever, this is creepy AF. Should I call it? I mean nothing bad can happen right? Let me guess; I'm saying nothing bad will happen but then I'm in a life or death game and almost dying. Okay, probably not, this is not television, I might just be imagining things.

I moved towards the nearest telephone box and dialed the number hesitantly. I don't have anything to lose, so...

The phone rang twice until someone picked up.

Y/n: uh hello?

???: Would you like to participate in the games?

Ayo, that's the guy from before. He can hide behind a phone, but I know it's him. I wonder what he' s thinking right now

The Recruiter's POV

Why does this happen to me? Why does everybody want to slap me? I know I'm hot, but come on!

Y/n's POV

Y/n: Yes.

I don' know if I'll regret it, but I have to try. I mean, it's not like my mom can stop me, haha...

The Weird Ddjaki Man: Good, wait at the nearby gas station in 30 minutes. A van will pick you up. The password is red light, green light.

And with that, he hung up.

Y/n: Okay, Ddjaki man...

I can't believe I'm actually doing this. No one's here, everyone's sleeping, so I'm guessing that' s why they wanted to meet me here? I really do hope it won't end up on television; I don't need the embarrassment.

At exactly midnight, a white van rolled in front of me. A person in a red outfit and a black mask with a triangle, hiding their identity, rolled down the window.

???: Password?

Thank goodness, it isn't the Ddjaki man again, I would've strangled him.

Y/n: Red light, green light.

The door the seats opened and there were people sleeping. I took a seat next to a short haired girl who was really beautiful. Her head suddenly fell on my shoulder while some kind of gas filled the vehicule. I became lightheaded and passed out on the girl's head. 

And that's the last thing I remembered....

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