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I look at the underside of the boys' stall and notice that they're still moving. I look around and see an employee, but he isn't moving. Shit... I did it again! I paused time unconsciously.

"Well, this will be easy. I won't even have to pay for you guys. You can get out of the transformation jutsu. Time has been paused and I guess I can just go outside and wait for you guys. Oh! Tell the others this too, please?" I say, Madara already undid the transformation jutsu when I finish.

Madara- "Yeah, yeah. Can they see us?" He asks, pointing at the employees.

"No, they will continue their work when I unpause time and they will probably wonder where these clothes went." I say, handing him the clothes he technically picked out.

Madara- "How are we still moving? Last time we couldn't move, but we are now." He asks.

"Well, I was holding onto you 6 when I paused time, so I'm guessing that's how that happened. See ya in a bit!" I say, walking back out to the flowers around the front of the building.

As I'm waiting up front, I notice something go into the store. I didn't see anyone come out? Wait.. Shit! I need to get them away from here. Technically, time isn't paused, we're in a different realm where other creatures reside and eat humans while they are paused.

They can freeze you with one touch. I've witnessed it before. I accidentally allowed someone to come into this realm with me and they were paused by the creatures. The creatures didn't pay any mind to me, though, which was absolutely weird. The guys wouldn't stand a chance!

I run in and look around, there, I see the creature about to straight up eat Madara's head off.

"Grr... STOP!!" I yell at the top of my lungs. My ears and tail have appeared and strange horns have appeared on my head, which are glowing red. I run towards the creature and push it away. I unpause Madara and check him for wounds.

Creature- "Why would you do that?! That was my meal!" It yells at me. "Wait.. What is a human doing here?! And able to move?!"

It yells at me as I turn around.

"You have no right to eat or hurt my friends. If I wanted to, I could kill you with the flick of my rist or the jerk of my head. You are powerless against me. You are nothing to me!" I growl at the creature before I can see more come into the store. I growl and gring my teeth, feeling them doing something weird.

"Back off.." I growl out. Suddenly, they charge at me. I flick my rist, as told, and they drop to the ground, dead. At this, I grow a twisted smile.

"Would you like to be next?!" I shout at the few left and the one I pushed away from Madara. They all shake their heads before running out of the building. I almost follow, if it weren't for Madara grabbing the collar of my shirt.  I growl at him before noticing it was him and not the creatures.

My ears lower in shame. I almost killed him... My tail tucks between my legs and my horns stop glowing. I look down at the ground.

"I'm sorry..." I say with tears in my eyes. I grab my fluffy tail for comfort and hide my face in it. I then notice a 5 new pairs of shoes. I look up and see the other Uchiha. My ears lower even more and I whimper in fear and regret.

I feel arms wrap around me and my eyes widen. I look up and see Madara's chest. (This entide damn thing is so cringe lol)

I hug him back and continue to cry.

Madara- "It's ok, you didn't hurt me or rhe orhers, you're ok.." He says, trying to soothe my regret.

"It's not ok... I- I almost did, though... I don't want to be that monster they said I'd always be! I don't wanna be a monster!" I cry even more. I feel more arms wrap around me and it takes a while for me to stop crying.

When I'm done crying, we all pull away. I'm still very ashamed for my actaions and there are still dead creature corpses on the ground.

"Are.. Are you guys ready to go? I don't want to be here anymore..." I ask. They nod and we all go out to Nisha's car. The reason she didn't move was because I paused time, how did I not notice? I use my spell to hide not just my ears and tail, but now my horns.

I pop the trunk and the boys put the extra clothes in it. Then, they use the transformation jutsu and I open the door the the car and unpause time. They get into the car after I do and sit on my lap, Madara curls around my neck.

"Heh? What just happened?" Nisha asks. (This is where I was gonna stop the last chapter, that was almost 3000 words. I had to google why it wouldn't publish lol.)

I just chuckle and explain what happened. I eplain up until the creature bit. She also didn't need to know that... yet.

After explaining, she takes us home and says she has to go to work.

"Why would you take us to the store when you have to go to work literally 10 minutes later?!" I ask seriously.

"Haha.. I don't know!" She says before running off. I carry the bags while the kittens walk, all but Izuna and Madara. Izuna sits on my head, playing with my hair and Madara lays across my neck.

I pull out my keys and unlock the door before Itachi pushes it open. I thank him for that, such a gentleman, even as a kitten.

I throw the bags on the floor and put Madara and Izuna on the couch. I walk off to my bedroom and grab my blanket. Do you want to know what is so special about this blanket? My mother made it for me when I was 4, she said I'd grow into it. I eventually did and I kept it in good condition for 13 years, almost 14.

I hug my blanket as I grab my sketchbook and pencils. I lay on my bed with my blanket under me and my sketchbook and pencil in front of me.

I then start to draw the scene I had just created at that store, dead creatures everywhere. After that, I draw Gabriel in the condition he's in right now. I feel tears build up in my eyes and I wipe them before any can escape.

I put my pencil and sketchbook off to the side and hug my blanket really tight. I don't want to cry anymore, it hurts to cry. My chest hurts and my head pounds. My throat tries to kill me and my sight abandons me.

Now, I'm doing the one thing I didn't want to. My bedroom door is open, the boys could easily come by and see me. I don't care anymore. It hurts to be in this state, I just want it to stop. I don't care if I need help for it to stop, I'll accept that help.

I hear a faint knock. Must be the front door. I dry my tears and act tired as I walk to the door. I shoo the boys to the back room and walk to the front door. I open the door and what I see is both annoying and stupid.

Dark Thoughts (Uchiha Kittens) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now