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My love,

I don't know whether you betrayed me or I betrayed you but it is true that our relationship isn't that passionate anymore. I neither feel cozy when you're around nor do the sparks ignite my soul when you're with me. I feel strange, lost and well this is really peculiar. I know, I'd been ignoring you but you'd been ditching me too. I regret it, seriously. You'd not been talking to me, you'd been staying silent- not responding to my thoughts, you'd not been hearing my silence... Why?

Have you stopped caring for me? Have you started misunderstanding my feelings too? I miss having you with me, I miss the perfect chemistry between us and how I smiled when you gave perfect solutions to my perplexed life.

Come back, let me hold you tight. You'd been my companion for long and I don't intend to let you go so easily. I'd fight to bring us back together. I'd fight for our stars to unite and shine once again because I feel empty without you like a hollow vessel.

Can you be mine, again? I need you. I love you. Will you let me spill my fears infront of you? Will you hear my voice when it'll be about to dissolve in the darkness? Will you be the mirror to my thoughts? Let me embrace you and feel your warmth. Come back. Come back and let me inhale your scent again...

Why don't you accompany me when I hold my pen and try to express myself? Why have you stopped flowing with me like the water of a screaming waterfall? Why do you make me stare at my mobile's empty screen, failing to write my heart out? Why? Why? Why? You've been my magic, my aura, my strength, my life. Why are you planning to leave me devastated? Dear writing come back. Dear words come back. Dear magic that flowed into my pages come back. I'm nothing without you.

Yours truly,


27th April 2015.

Author's note: Just a little effort to bring my writing inspiration back. I hope you guys will enjoy this. :)

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