𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 8 "𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢"

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"Violets bloom nightengales sing, I'll get you a shiny ring, to show you how much I love you~ you are the king of my heart and the player of my emotions~" the woman sang as she brushed her precious daughter's hair with a motherly warm smile on her face.

The little girl swang her feet as she looked down at her doll.

"Precious moon gem, precious darling, fly free, fly butterfly only to be trapped in a web~ my precious web~" She sighed with content.

Even though the lyrics were so eerie and dark it made the little girl sleepy and comforted.

"Mama..?" She mumbled tiredly. The mother looked down at her child with a sweet smile "yes mariposa?"

"Why do you always call me a butterfly..?"

"Because butterflies flutter freely yet beautifully and they're so carefree..just like you." She said picking up her little girl and spinning her around causing the little girl to giggle.

They're also fragile.

Easy to trap.

Easy to break.

So vulnerable

But they're so beautiful and perfect.

The mother kissed the crown of the girl's head. "And I think you're as pretty as one too."

"I thought I was pretty like you?" The girl asked with a frown of confusion.

"Even though you're like me, I could never be a pretty butterfly like you, you're soooo much prettier." The woman laughed hugging the girl.

She thought they were a like but she could never be so further than the truth.


A small yellow butterfly landed on a flower in the garden.

Mariella stared at the butterfly absent mindly.

To be free?

Is she free?

Back then she sure she was free. But now it doesn't feel the same. To be as free as a butterfly what a dream would that be. It doesn't matter if she did manage to get away from them.

Because when she did she still didn't feel free. Instead she felt worse.

A horrible game of loneliness. A cycle of never ending loneliness that would only bring her madness.

The sky grew gray and the thunder roared. Was the sky screaming for her?

She just didn't know anymore.


Mariella slowly looked up at the figure that stood next to hers.

"We should go in, it's going to rain."


She turned her head away and hugged her knees. Elios only frowned at her action.

It's been two days since the incident and so far nothing changed. She was scolded by Emilio but her look of numbness got to him so she just stayed in her room for the past two days.

Adriano was fed up by it so he sent Mariella outside. Specifically they're garden.

"Mari..I know you're mad at us, but please understand we're doing this for your well-being.." Elios said quietly.

Elios was always quiet that didnt mean he didnt talk. He was just quiet and sleep alot. You would always catch elios sleeping around somewhere.

She guessed thats why she was always easy around him.

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