𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 23 "𝙼𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗"

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Mariella glared daggers at Marcello who gently tapped his pen against his note book narrowing his brown eyes at her figure.

"You seem to be a bit brighter than last time. Did something happen..?"

"Its none of your business.." Mariella grumbled scratching her hands nervously til its irritated. Marcello has noticed so far that she tends to scratch her hands really hard till they bleed when she's anxious.

Marcello stopped tapping his pencil and sighed with disappointment and boredom. She seemed interesting but she was hard to crack. He didn't want to sit through ANOTHER session where it's boring..

Marcello stared at Mariella who's eyes anxiously shifted around the room.

"Some times when I walk down the hall I could hear a painful scream that is filled with fear..I knew it was her scream. She always scream about monsters that are out to get her.." Hendrix said with a soft tone with a sad look in his eyes. It was the first time he saw some sort of emotion on his face.


"Do you.."

"Hm?" Mariella's eyes shifted back to Marcello's figure.

"Do you really see monsters..?" Marcello leaned over as Mariella flinched at the word monster. Her pupils shook in fear.



Mariella's fingers shiver in fear. She then shook her head and glare at him. "I don't know what are you talking about. Monsters aren't real.."

"They are to you." Marcello said with a sly smirk on her face.

Mariella chew on her bottom lip. She then look down her eyes darken as she stood up.

"Are you trying to call me crazy!? I told you I didn't know what the fuck are you talking about."

"Ah, so you won't admit that you feel guilty huh?"

"Guilty..? I have nothing to feel guilty about." Mariella glared down at the man. To be honest he couldn't help but shiver in fear when he saw her glare at him.

It was as intimidating as her father's. It's probably a little worse than his.

"So you won't admit that you killed your mother..?" Marcello wanted to see how far he could go he was tired of playing safe.

Mariella's eyes widen slightly looking at Marcello. The room went quiet.

Marcello formed into a shadow that was shaped like him. His brown eyes were now red with anger imand hatred..

Mariella no longer saw her psychiatrist.

"N-no..I didn't..I..no.." Mariella backed away as the Monster stood up out of his seat.


"I'm not..I-I'm not.." Mariella backed away towards the wall in fear as it got closer..

"You are..you killed him..you killed her!"

"I didn't..just go away.."

"Admit it! You're nothing but a murderer-"

"SHUT UP." Mariella took up a hard and heavy book and throw it at the monster.

"OW!" Marcello was hit in the head by the book.

The monster suddenly disappeared and her body relaxed a bit. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked over at Marcello who's hands were against his bruised eye. It looked like it dark purple and it was swollen too.

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