Chapter 3: Hearts Fixed Pt. 1

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Kim's P.O.V.

The sun shined brightly through the window awakening me from a deep sleep. I didn't want to wake up but knew I needed to start my day.

I felt someone else's body weight pressed up against me. I slowly open my eyes with delight on my face seeing Porschay sleeping there. My arm was laid underneath his neck while one of his legs was placed across my waist. My other arm had been lazily laying on my side. Chay had one arm laying on my chest and his other arm tucked beside his. This was right. This was where I wanted to be. I laid there studying his face. Chay's checks were puffed out making him look adorable. His eyelashes were gently touching his high cheekbones leaving him peaceful and angelic looking. His lips were pressed in a soft pouting form. They were a little blue from the biting I had did last night. Thinking about that kiss made my face hot that I had to look away.

I focused my attention towards the clock and read that is was two in the afternoon. We slept most of the day that our families must be worried. I know Chay told Porsche he was going to be here, which he might have already told Kinn. But it's always good to check in. Usually a bodyguard would've been here by now but I didn't want to replace Big like he meant nothing but Arm had taken over to keep check on me, under father's orders. It was strange he wasnt here this morning. Maybe since it was a rough and late night, he was also sleeping in. Maybe everyone was. But it would be best if I called and have Arm sent over. He can help me take down the rest of my wall. And possibly get me and Chay something to eat.

I gently moved Chay off of me and sat up to grab my phone. When I unlocked my phone I noticed all the miss calls and texts from everyone. 27 miss calls and 20 texts to be exact. I quickly opened all the messages and gathered that they were looking for me and Chay. I also read messages stating that Arm wasn't going to be able to come get us because he had been hurt in the commotion. He was doing fine according to other messages.

"Shit!" I quickly jump up and run to put clothes on, as I was doing so I called Kinn.

"What the hell, Kim!? Why didn't you answer any of us?" Kinn yelled through the phone.

"Ugh.. sorry. Me and Chay came back to my apartment and fell asleep." I said, peeking over my shoulder making sure Chay was still sleeping when I walked out of the room. "We will be there shortly. But also, why didn't anyone else come and get us?"

"Shia, Pa doesn't want any of us to leave. He's been acting weird. But... I kinda snuck Porsche out the window with one of the bodyguards an hour ago."

"Well, they aren't here yet. It's okay, you can call them off. I'll awake Chay and meet you at the house in 30."

"Hmh. I just got a message, Porsche is at your building now. He had gotten lost. Of course he did. Just leave with him and the bodyguard. It'll be safer."

"Fine. Let me get Chay up." I said as hung up the phone.

I was about to walk back into my room when the door open. Porschay came walking out. He rubbed his eyes with his hands and yawned.

"I kinda overheard everything and grabbed some of your clothes to get dressed." He said, looking up at me timidly.

My eyes swept over him in awe that he had one of my shirts on and chose a pair of my socks to wear. He had left his jeans on, the one in which he wore yesterday and slept in.

"Is that alright?" He asked while approaching me slowly.

"Ugh... yeah. You look adorable." I replied back feeling awkward and shy.

Just as I was about to grab him into a hug. The doorbell ranged.

"Hey, it's Porsche and Pol. Open up!"

I sighed out loud and Chay just gave me a wicked smile. I was confused for a split second until he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss. It was gentle and tasted sweet. He pulled away and ran to open the door. I shook my head to compose myself before Porsche and Pol walked in. By the look on their faces, today was going to be a long day.

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