Chapter 6.1: Tuscan Red

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Kim's P.O.V.

I awoke to the feeling of my arm being weighed down. I smile instantly knowing that it was my baby, Chay, whom feed me so well last night.

I turn my body over to see Chay quickly shutting his eyes as if I didn't see him or feel his gaze upon me. I lean over to analyze him. He was trying so hard to remain still and pretend to be asleep.

I inched my body closer and slowly lifted myself up, removing my arm from under him. Half of me wanted to see if he'd remain asleep and still. The other half was feeling the temptation. He had no shirt on and I could easily see all the kiss and bite marks I placed on him. I was needy for more. So, I threw the blanket off him, watching his body stiffen but he resisted to open his eyes.

I let out a deep, hungry sigh as I eased on top of him. I lean my face down to his neck and peck a small kiss inbetween his collarbone. He stiffened more. I then whispered husikly in his ear, "I know you're awake. Open your beautiful eyes for me... Porschay."

His checks and nostrils flare up as he slowly open his gorgeous brown orbs.

He ignores eye contact by trying to find something else to focus on, which ended up being my exposed upper body.

His face turned to a bright Tuscan red as he noticed the scratches, kiss marks, and bites he left all over my body. He shuts his eyes again, only to reopen them after hearing a dissatisfied grunt come from low in my throat. He slowly opens them again.

"Stop." He said before trying to squirm from out under me.

"Babe, you're so adorable. Don't try and act shy now."I said as I gripped his silhouette more firmly.

Chay's Tuscan red never disappears.
"I'm still shy. Idiot."

"I know. I just love teasing you" I respond as I kiss him deep.

He answers back by throwing his arms around my neck and allowing me to kiss him longer and harder each time.

After our make-out session I get up off him.
"Go take a shower. I'm going to go make us breakfast."

I walk out the room and headed to the kitchen to start cooking. Only noticing Pol when he finally speaks up.

"Hey, Mr. Kim."

"Holy fuck! Where'd you come from?" I exclaimed as I threw down the pan.

"Mr. Kim you actually got scared?" He questions looking me up and down reminding me I was only in jogging pants.

"No. I just forgot you were here."

"Been here since last night" Pol says smiling brightly.

Me not thinking anything about it. "And...?"

"Hmh... the guest room is right next to yours. Not to mention, I came out the guest bathroom to get a drink... when you and Chay were making out on the couch." He carefully explains. "I heard everything."

I look down at the cooking ingredients and the dishes instantly realizing what he was hinting at. But then I remembered this was my place and bodyguards shouldn't question thier bosses.

"Ha. Pol." I speak sternly.

"Yes." He squeaks in response, looking down at the floor.

"Don't mention such things again. This is my place. You're my bodyguard. And if it doesn't concern me or my baby, Chay, to be in danger... don't say anything."

"Yes sir." He says as he straightens himself back up.

"With that being said, would you like breakfast?"

I look and smile warmly at him.

He just shakes his head and I go back to work.

Today was going to be a good day. I could feel it. I was happy. Porschay was happy. There was nothing to fear.

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