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you and your friend had just finished getting ready to go to the club down the road after getting some fake IDS.

campus parties were cheaper watery beer and music, way boring.

iona-you guys ready?
she asked as you all walked up to the guard flashing your ID's he nodded at you all letting you in

you chuckled turning to zinc

you-i can't believe we just got in that easily

zinc-what we waiting for let's go take shots

he grabbed your arm dragging you to the bar

zinc-yo iona! zack! come on stop making out!!

iona pulled back from his lips adding a giggle and landing infront of you both

did i forget to mention that iona and zack are dating?

lilian was stuck "revising" with her boyfriend so you guys went out to have some fun of your own.

zinc-alright, i dont know what to toast to let's just get fucked

you all hit glasses adding laughs before necking the shots and wow they were strong but you were pulled out the gaze of the shots to eyes peering at you..

you couldn't quite see who it was but he was sat back with his legs spread wide swirling his glass of what you presumed was whiskey

his dark eyes stared at yours but the flashing lights covered his actual identity from you.

zinc-hello y/n, we dancing?
he asked with his hand out and you smiled sliding your hand into his and going onto the dance floor..

your hips swayed with his to the music adding a few laughs to his comments and sooner or later you were left alone dancing to the music

you didn't mind because after 5 drinks you were already losing your mind with these lights.

you ran your hands up your body enjoying the music before feeling two strong hands slide onto your hips and pull you back their broad chest

you were usually very protective of your own body and wouldn't let anybody touch you but you remember what iona had said earlier

"just let loose and have fun, you never do. ur so protective over your own body"
which you took as a rude comment so you were here to prove her wrong

your head fell back where his head and shoulders met enjoying his energy

your ass continuously brushed off his belt and you now became curious as to who he was so..

you spun around sliding your hand into his full of rings with your chest hitting his

your face dropped

it was your professor.

you slightly pulled back looking at his eyes and he stared adding a light chuckled

trevor-your very loose tonight no?

you-im trying to prove iona wrong she said im too tough and protective over my own body
you explained scanning his very attractive body.

he was tall and wore all black.
black long sleeved button up, matt black belt, black baggy jeans, black shoes. all so sexy and fitting the theme of his vibe

trevor-and what are you doing here in a 21+ club

you pulled ur fake ID out and he glanced down at it

trevor-he fell for that?

you-what you tryna say?

trevor-nothing sweetheart
his british accent spoke as he put his hand out

trevor-can we keep dancing?

you-you, dance with me? im ur student

trevor chuckled poking the inside of his mouth with his tounge and wow it was hot.

he's always been hot but i did not expect the offer on dance

trevor-dont you want to prove iona wrong?

you rolled your eyes taking his hands in yours

you-you just want an excuse to dance with me because of our past

i may have been very openly obsessed with him..but i did not know those feelings were still apparently??

he chuckled and spun you towards his chest dancing with you

this is so weird but feels so good.. his tall body dancing with mine, soft hands on my body

his eyes remained on you the entire time making you smiled

you spun around hitting your ass off his crotch hearing him grunt and take ur hips in his hands

you whispered titling your head back to his not sorry at all

you-so, why are you here?

trevor-i needed a drink and this place is closet to my house

you-oh yeah?
you clearly flirted

he flirted back sliding his hands onto your face and pulling it up to him, you immediately went red

his so hot.

his sharp jawline and tanned skin literally glowing in the purple and blue lights. his beautiful soft brown eyes gazing back at mine.

older guys are so much hotter

especially him.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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