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you woke up to uni sat up on your stomach with her hands on your face whispering for you to wake up

uni-hi mommy
she giggled and you smiled against her hands

you gently leant forwards kissing her cheek

uni-shh daddy's sleeping
she whispered turning your head to trevor who slept peacefully facing you both

his so beautiful.

you-whatsup baby?
you asked her gently rubbing her red hot cheeks

uni-im hungry
she frowned

you-okay cuddle with daddy and i'll go make some food yeah?

she nodded sliding into trevor's arms and you rolled out the bed and into the kitchen to make her some breakfast.

around 10 minutes later you had made her toast with some nice spread overtop sitting back in the bed beside her

uni-yayy food!
she said excited and loudly causing trevor to roll over and flicker his eyes open to see you both sat beside him..

uni slid between your legs and you fed her little squares at a time making her smile

trevor-hey princesses
trevor said in a raspy voice laying his head on your thigh staring up at you

you-good morning to you
you replied gently kissing his lips

trevor smiled laying his head back down now watching uni eat the toast you fed her

uni-daddy she used the yummy spread!

trevor chuckled taking her hand in his

trevor-thats daddys spread

uni giggled
uni-shh dont tell mommy that, i want it everyday!

you giggled gently kissing her forehead

you-i'll give it you everyday forget what daddy says

trevor-forget what daddy says hm? is somebody asking for a kiss tackle

you-no trevor i'm feeding her-

you immediately cut off by his lips kissing all over your face and you fell back against uni's little legs looking up to her with ur face scrunched

you-quick uni help!!

she giggled pulling trevor's hair and he rolled of


you and uni giggled high fiving eachother and you passed her the last piece of toast

uni-can i go play with my toys?

trevor nodded
trevor-you dont have to ask princess

she giggle running off to her bedroom and you smiled glancing over to trevor who stated with his lip bit


trevor-can we go for a shower
he asked sliding his hands either side of you and you giggled wrapped your arms around his neck

you-go on then take me there
you whispered gently kissing his lips and he rolled off the bed making his way outside to his shower along with you

you were placed down and he smiled holding you against him

you ran your hand down his chest now wanting him and he chuckled

trevor-i'll grab us towels and turn the water on then i'll be back
he said now sliding into the bathroom whilst you got yourself naked leaving your clothes on the dirty laundry basket seeing him return also naked and the water now cool and running.

trevor's hands ran up your body and you giggled leaning your head to his and opening your eyes to him

trevor-god ur beautiful
he whispered meeting your lips in that amazing memorable kiss.

you wrapped your arms around his neck gently sucking his lips between yours as the water ran over your bodies

he gently pulled back causing you to stumble against him

you-dont annoy me off trevor, i want you

trevor-oh you what now?

you slid the bubbly sponge up his chest staring into his eyes

you-i said i want you baby
you whispered meeting his lips again and he now cleaned your body with the sponge

you giggled running your hands into his hair enjoying every second you had with him.

anna-trevor, trevor i let myself in are you even here!?

you pulled back and just as you looked over to the glass door anna walked in seeing you both

you-oh my god
you whispered and trevor turned seeing her and quickly covering you with his tall body facing away from her

anna-i am so sorry
she apologised passing you both towels which you quickly wrapped around yourselves

trevor-anna what are you doing here
he asked stepping inside keeping you close to him

anna-what you literally messaged me
she chuckled and he lifted up his phone seeing the messages adding a chuckle

trevor-yeah i did
he shook his head now getting dressed and anna kept her eyes on you with a small smile

god i cant look at her. not after last night, everything is flooding back.

trevor-stop staring at my girlfriend
he demanded annoyed now dressed along with you

anna-what, shes hot i told you she was when i first saw her
she giggled passing him something from her purse

his car keys

trevor-thank you and i dont care, dont look dont touch and especially dont fuck. theyre all my job
he smiled and you went red trying not to let last nights memory flood back...

you walked past them picking up your jewellery to put on and trevor's hands took you against his chest

trevor-bye annaa
he said dragging the words and meeting his lips with your body

anna-y/n i have a partner dance tonight, come by?
she asked with a wink

you-get me in for free and i'll be there

anna-oh i can definitely do that
she smiled leaving the room

anna this cant be a reoccurring thing.
im with trevor

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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