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you sat at the lunch table in the fancy taco restaurant eating some food with trevor infront of you and uni beside you

uni-feed me please!
she lifted up her messy hands holding the taco and you giggled placing yours down and breaking hers into smaller peices

you-here, take little peices at a time yeah?

she smiled taking a smaller peice in her mouth and humming that same melody as before when she did her little victory dance

you giggled and glanced back to trevor infront of you staring at you with a smile

he had finished his food and sat with his straw in his mouth slowly drinking his coca cola

you asked biting into your taco and he chuckled

trevor-you, your treating her like an absolute princess y/n

you-huh im just taking care of her i mean-

trevor-no your not understanding me, you are acting like her mother figure
he repeated his sentence clear now and you eyes widened with a smile

trevor-you'd be an amazing mother, it's what she deserves
he smiled taking a glance to uni who finished up her taco peices

uni-im all done!
she announced sipped from her little boba cup

you-is that boba yummy?
she chewed on a peice and nodded swallowing it

uni-yeah, do you like boba y/n?
she asked tilting her head and you giggled

you-i love boba uni

she giggled and rested her head onto your arm making you smile

she sipped from the boba staring down kicking her legs in these shape like movements

trevor-i mean look at you two
he whispered catching ur attention

you-hm? what about us
you chuckled and he slid his hand out reaching at yours

trevor-ur perfect together
he admitted placing with your one ring lay on your right hand

trevor-she looks just like you too
he added gazing at her

trevor-the hair colour, eye colour, i mean even her little movements match yours

you smiled at the compliments now blushing pink

you-trevor stop
you whispered and he noticed your face

he giggled staring up into your eyes

trevor-why, do you want her?
he teased and you pulled your hand away from his

you-yes, shes adorable i love her already
you admitted sitting her onto your lap and she faced trevor

she giggled waving to him
uni-hi daddy

you giggled and leant down to her ear

you-how about we go for a walk to the store and y/n will buy you a super cool toy

she gasped and turned around facing you


you nodded
you-yeah really but i want 1 thing back in return

she nodded and you lifted your hand to hers

you-you got to give me one of those adorable little nose kisses you give daddy

she giggled and you heard trevor gasp

trevor-but that's our thing uni

uni-sorry daddy i want my toy
she giggled gently kissing your soft nose making you smile

you-okay let's go get that toy

you stood up placing her beside you with her hand holding yours excited for the toy

trevor pulled out some money leaving it on the table taking uni's other hand in his smiling

you arrived at the store and she ran off before trevor ran after her throwing her over his shoulder

trevor-no running off
he said against her cheek and she sighed

uni-but i want my toy!!
she practically screamed into his ear

trevor-and you'll get ur toy if you be a good girl, daddy said no running

he stood in the isle and she frowned at him

uni-daddy go i wont run cuz ur holding me
she whined hitting his chest and you slid behind trevor holding uni's fists in your hand

you-dont hit daddy uni what have i said
you said against trevor's cheek

uni-im sorry
she apologised glancing from you to him

trevor-its okay but next time dont run off i cant loose you okay?

she nodded and you let her hands rest against her lap

uni-okay let's go to the toys now?
she stated almost like a question and you two laughed going to the toy isle which made her giggle and gasp

trevor-take ur pick babygirl
he smiled letting her go and she ran down the isle straight to a little pink car

you slid your arms around trevor from behind and he smiled touching your hands

he said lifting your hands to his lips kissing them gently which made you smiled against his tall back

you replied before he spun around facing you

trevor-todays been nice with you and her
he smiled brushing your hair behind your ear and you slid your arms around his neck

you-you might see me at ur door almost everyday to spend my time with you two
you smiled meeting his lips in a soft kiss hearing uni's familiar gasp

uni-no but i already have a toy!
she whined plopping herself on the floor staring at the two options infront of her

you and trevor turned  watching her eyes turn back and forth between the two boxes

one was a pink car that came with a little ninja girl figure

and the other was a fluffy blue teddy bear which looked like it belonged to a collection of teddy bears

trevor slid off you and crouched down to her

trevor-whats the problem princess?
he asked gently rubbing her arm

she turned her head to him practically crying

uni-i want them both. the pink car is super cool and it comes with the little girl that looks like y/n! and then i finally found the blue teddy bear to matches all my others ones
she frowned letting a tear fall down her face which trevor was quick to wiped away

she wants a toy becuase it relates to me that's absolutely adorable.

trevor-you can have them both babygirl

uni-can i really?

trevor-daddy would spend every last penny on you, you can have any toys you want

she smiled and stumble up holding the two boxes and running over to you

shes adorable.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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