18//: Harry - He loses his voice

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No one's pov:

Today the boys had a concert in London. They were backstage at the moment and waited for Paul's sign so they could go on stage.

"Let's go!", Paul said and they went outside.

Louis' pov:

We went on stage and the fans screamed as loud as they could. We were glad we didn't go deaf.

"Good evening, London! Make some noise!", Harry shouted and the fans screamed.

Harry's voice still sounded a bit hoarse. He had a cold just some days ago. But he was "good" enough to perform. Our management didn't care how we were feeling.

We did the first songs very well.
But then it started raining. Our shirts were close to our body and our hair was so wet.
I knew this wouldn't end good for Harry. I was worried about him.

I went to Liam.

"Liam, I'm worried.", I whispered his ear.
"Why?", he asked.
"It's raining and you know, Harry is still sick. I think this won't end good for him.", I said.

"I know what you mean... But what should we do? You know our management will kill Harry if he stops the concert.", Liam said worried.

I shrugged my shoulders. Then I sang my part.

After the last song we said goodbye to the fans and went backstage.
Harry was now very hoarse and I knew the next day he wouldn't have any voice.

Harry laid down on the sofa and put himself in a blanket.

"Are you cold?", Zayn asked.

"Yeah", Harry replied.
His cold still wasn't gone...

We went in Paul's car back to our hotel.

*next morning*

When I woke up it was 8am. I got up and went to the bathroom where I met Harry.

"Good morning, Haz.", I said and smiled.

"M-", Harry wanted to say but no sound came out of his mouth.
Harry put his hand on his throat. He got panic.

"Harry, calm down. You lost your voice.", I said and put my hand on his shoulder.

Harry ran out of the bathroom.
Some minutes later he came back with a sheet of paper and a pencil.

On the sheet of paper he wrote "How should I sing in the next concerts??".
In his eyes was despair.

"Harry, you can't do the next concerts. You have to rest.", I said to calm Harry down.

"But Simon will kill me.", Harry wrote down on the paper.

"He can't kill you, Haz. What should he do? You have no voice so you can't perform.", I said and Harry just nodded.

I brought Harry to the sofa and he laid down there.
Then Liam came.

"Morning!", he said but he directly looked at Harry.

"You ok, Harry?", he wanted to know.

"Harry has no voice.", I replied.

"Ohh, I'm sorry, Haz.", he said and hugged a desperate Harry.

After some minutes Niall and Zayn also came. They also wanted to know what was wrong and everytime I explained Harry had no voice.

The next days were exhausting. We had to talk to Simon and explain to him Harry really couldn't do concerts if he has no voice. We finally could tell him and he said Harry could rest for 3 days.
But then he has to be okay.

So Harry spent this 3 days by laying in his bed and writing on sheets of paper. Sometimes he wrote what he wanted to say and sometimes he wrote some lyrics for new songs.

After 3 more days his voice finally was back but it was still a bit hoarse. But that's alright. The fans still loved him :)

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