27//: Harry - Broken ankle

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"Broken ankle, karma rules... You never saw my birthmark" - Little Freak by Harry Styles
I love that songggg. Sorry, had to say this :)) XD

No one's pov:

The 1D boys wanted to play a bit volleyball on the beach because they were on vacation together. Liam brought a ball with himself and they went to the beach.

Louis' pov:

We went to the beach and we decided to make two teams there. Liam and Harry were very good at volleyball and Niall, Zayn and me had no idea about it, actually.

"Harry can go in a team with Zayn and Niall. I can play with Louis?", Liam asked.

We all nodded.
"Yeah, that's fair. Let's go", Niall said excited.

We played good matches and it was quite fun. After a while I knew how to hit the ball so that it went to the other side.

We made two breaks and drank a lot because it was kinda hot.
Now we made a third break.

"Let's go into the water!", Niall shouted and laughed.
But I already knew Zayn wouldn't like that. I had to hide a smile.

We all nodded and ran into the water. We splashed each other wet and dived. Zayn didn't go that deep into the water but he also joined our water fight.
It was really nice to have so much fun with my brothers.

"Hey, let's play another game!", Liam shouted.

We all ran out of the water and Harry took the ball. He played it to Liam's and my side. We played back to Harry. He had to take a big step when he suddenly twisted his ankle. Harry cried out and Liam immediately ran to him.

"Did you just twist your ankle?", Liam asked.
Harry nodded. "OMG, this hurts.", he sobbed. He lay in the sand holding his ankle.

We all stood next to Harry. We didn't know what to do.
Harry's ankle slowly became blue and purple.

"Harry...?", I said.
"I think you just broke your ankle...", I guessed.
"That can't be true!", Harry cried.

"Hospital?", I asked Liam.
He nodded.

Liam picked Harry up and carried him to our hotel. We put on Harry a pair of pants and a T-shirt. Then we got into the car and we drove to the hospital. Niall and Zayn waited at the hotel.

On the reception Liam told the old lady with grey hair what just had happened.

"I just call the doctor.", she said and took her phone.

She spoke to someone then she hung up.
"You can go to the first treatment room. The doctor Mrs. Smith will wait for you.", she smiled.

"Thank you!", Liam said and carried Harry carefully to the treatment room.

"I'll wait here.", I said and sat down in the waiting area while Harry and Liam were going to the treatment room.

Harry's pov:

I was in severe pain. My ankle hurt so much. I thought I had to die now...

Liam carried me to the treatment room.

"Hello. I'm Mrs. Smith.", the doctor welcomed us.
She had blonde hair and wore a white coat.

"Hello.", Liam said.
"So you are who?", she asked.
"I'm Liam and that's Harry.", Liam pointed at me.

"You can lie him down here.", Mrs. Smith said and Liam lay me down on the treatment stretcher.

"And what happened to you?", she now asked me and looked at my colorful ankle.
I couldn't answer, so Liam took over the talking.

"We played volleyball at the beach and Harry twisted his ankle. It looks so bad. I mean it's blue and purple.", Liam explained.

"Okay, I will take a look at it. Am I allowed to?", Mrs. Smith asked me.
"Of course.", I replied and nodded. I tried to hold back my tears.

She took a look at my ankle and felt around it with her hand.
I screamed. It hurt so much.

"OMG please! Nooooo!", I screamed.

"It's okay. We need an X-ray. Although I can say with relative certainty your ankle is definitely broken.", she said.
"Fuck...", I whispered.

"One more question: Do you have any pre-existing conditions?", the doctor asked me.
"Only asthma.", I replied.

"Do you have often asthma attacks or is this rare?", she asked.
"It's rare. Just when I overwork on stage or something.", I said.
"On stage?"
"Yeah, I'm in a band.", I told her.
"Oh okay. Then we will go to the X-ray.", she told me and I went with a nurse to the X-ray.

It took 45 minutes.
I was given a bit of painkiller via an infusion that was placed on my wrist. Soon it wasn't that painful anymore. Of course it still hurt but it wasn't that bad anymore.
I was brought back to the treatment room where Mrs. Smith was already waiting for us.

"So we have the results from X-ray.", she said.
"And?", Liam asked.
"His ankle is broken, completely broken. That was a violent twisting of your ankle. I think your ankle doesn't like you.", she explained and looked at the pictures from my ankle.

"Okay... But what will happen now?", Liam asked.
"We need a surgery, I guess.", she said.
"What?", Liam and I asked at the same time.
"Yes. With a cast we won't get far. We have to fix it. Otherwise, you will never be able to walk again.", Mrs. Smith said.
"Wha-t the fuck... Okay, when can I do the surgery?", I asked.

"We can do it tomorrow. You will stay here over night and tomorrow morning we will do the surgery. If it's okay for you.", Mrs. Smith said.

"It has to be okay... I guess.", I replied. I had to get better soon or my carreer would be history.

Then a nurse brought me to a room. I lay down in the bed and tried to forget the pain...but it was veeery hard...

*next day*

After the surgery I didn't feel that good. I was groggy from the painkillers and the anesthetic.
When I opened my eyes, Liam and Niall were sitting next to my bed.

"Hey Haz. Are you okay?", Niall asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you for being here.", I said and smiled.

Suddenly a doctor entered a room. It was Mrs. Smith again and behind her were Zayn and Louis.

"Hello Harry. How's your ankle? Does it hurt?", she wanted to know.
"Hello... It's better but it hurts a bit, yeah.", I replied.

"We will give you some painkillers. Well, you have to stay here for 5 days or longer and then you have to walk on crutches for 6 weeks. Then we will see us again.", Mrs. Smith explained.
I wasn't surprised. I already guessed a broken ankle would take a bit time. But that long...?

"Thank you then.", I said.

After we said 'Goodbye' Mrs. Smith left the room.

"Wow, I didn't expect you would stay that calm.", Zayn said.

"I already guessed it. And if you're expecting the worst, you can't be disappointed. I mean, what should I do? I have to accept the situation, accept the challenge. And I have you 4 guys, so...", I said and smiled at the boys.

They just smiled back. With the smile we accepted the challenge together.

No one's pov:

*6 weeks later*

The boys supported Harry so much and he really appreciated that. His ankle was better off but Harry still needed to rest a bit. He was rid of the crutches, but he still needed a lot of time.

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