Chapter 6: red lights

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Y/N pov

I walked around for a little bit before noticing I was back to where I last saw everyone. I couldn't feel anything coming from the train tracks or from the forest behind me. I sighed and looked at the sky. I was debating if I should wait for a train to pass by or if I should try and find the sound hashira since I should be close to the entertainment district. I shrugged my shoulders and figured I'd hop on the next train that came by when a bird flew over me then landed on my shoulder.

"Your next mission is in the red light district! Sound hashira needs assistants!!" it said before flying off to the east.

"So that was my bird.... Okay then. I have no time to waste!" I said running after it. I watched as it did not change its height or speed up. After a few minutes it landed on a fence and flew to my shoulder.

"Good luck on your mission." with that it flew off. I looked to the city and jumped on top of one of the houses. After a few seconds I could see lord Tengen on another building. I opened a swamp and appeared next to him.

"Lord Tengen, I heard you need some assistants. Anything I could help you with?" I asked

"Ah Y/N! Well you came at perfect timing you mind going under cover for me." he said calmly

"Of course but what exactly?" I asked

"I'm sure you're familiar with the term oiran correct?" he asked pointing to a lady between a group of men with an umbrella.

"Yeah. if I remember correctly they're inspiring wives for different husbands right?" I asked

"Indeed I need you to go into at least one of the three main houses. There the Kyogoku, Kirimise, and the Tokito. If you can find one of my wives make sure they know to return to our base. While your doing that ill be finding more people to help in the search." he said turning back to me.

"Why are you searching for them? Did something happen?" I asked

He pulled out three envelopes, "They stopped reporting about two days ago. I've been trying to get information from the outside but I haven't gotten anything."

"So now you need someone on the inside to figure out what happened hmm? Well I'll see what I can do." I said jumping down and walking through the town to find a small shop. I bought a bag, and a casual make-up set. I put my sword in the bag before walking into a small inn to change and put the makeup on. The closest house I saw was the Ogimoto house. I walked over to the house and walked into the building. I pulled out a large fan and opened him over my face. As I walked in I could see a few men in there talking to some of the girls. After a few more feet I found the lady of the house.

"Oh hello there. What can I do for you?" she asked

"I was hoping I could work under this house. My parents said something about being sent to a house but they didn't tell me where to go." I said calmly.

"Oh you must be who the kay family was sending. We have your room set and ready for you. May I have your name?" she asked

"Im Y/N." I said smiling with my eyes but keeping a straight face.

"Its a pleasure to have you in our house please follow me and i'll show you to your room." she said walking down a hall. I followed her threw a few turns down hallways and stopped at a door.

"This will be your room. If you need anything please let me know." she said with a smile.

"I'll keep it in mind. Thank you, miss." I said walking into the room and closing the door. I got myself settled in and put my bag in the closet. I pulled out the makeup and touched up when I felt something staring at my back. I turned around and saw nobody in the room. I kept my guard up as I was working on my eye shadow when I heard my door open.

I opened my fan and faced the door. I turned to see an orian in a dark pink kimono with a flower pattern. She had dark black hair and golden yellow eyes that were highlighted by her rose eyeshadow.

"Who are you? I was told this room was empty... So who the hell are you." she said with her entire demeanor changing.

"My name is Y/N. I just started today, miss." I said standing up without moving my fan.

"Oh, a newcomer.. Okay then listen closely. I'm Warabihime from the Kyogoku house. If you don't know your place I'll gladly show you. I'll be taking my leave but keep this in mind. No man will want you if you hide your face but who knows it might be better to hide whatever you are." she smirked leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

"I'll need to keep my guard up around her. I'm getting a bad feeling from her presents alone.'' I said to myself.

I kept my guard up for the past few days trying to help the house anyway I can. I made it to where I kept the fan up when customers or new workers came in. The girls all thought that it was insecurity or just trust issues. I never corrected them since it was my way of desizing my face.

"Y/N do you mind showing the men where the care packages go when they get here? I asked" the lady's husband asked

"Of course I don't mind. Do you ladies need me to help with anything else?" I asked pulling out my fan.

"No, we have it from here." one of the girls said calmly. I gave a nod, opening my fan and making my way to the back of the building. I walked outside and sat on the back porch and waited for them to show. After a bit a small piece of fabric landed on the ground next to me. I looked down to see the same flower pattern that the Warabime from the kyogoku house wore on her kimono. Since I still had an idea that she was up to no good I hovered my hand over it to see if I could feel anything from the piece of fabric. I could feel a murderous intent on it so I folded it up and placed it under the back proch.

"Looks like tengen will have his work cut out for him." I said looking at the sky.

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