Chapter 9: struggles

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That morning i woke up to the sun just outside my window. I changed into my uniform and put my sword on my hip for training. I looked at my hands to see the marks from last night were gone. I felt a sigh escape my lips and made my way to the butterfly sanctuary. I had walked past tanjiro who was talking with zenitus. They looked deep in conversation so i didn't go over. I made my way to the training yard and found Shinobu sitting by the pond.

"Morning lady Shinobu did you sleep well?" I asked

"Oh morning Y/N, yes how about you?" she asked, standing up to face me.

"I did. Was there anything I needed to train today?" I asked, feeling my gut telling me something was wrong.

She looked to the flower beds, "Not that I'm aware of if you want to you can try and work on agility out in the forest. It's nice and early no demons should be out at the moment." I looked at my hands to see the marks slowly appearing.

"Oh okay I'll head out now,'' I said, covering my hand in my sleeve.

"Are you sure I had assumed you woke up not too long ago?" Shinobu asked, facing me as I forced a smile.

"Yeah, I'll be fine you know how I train. I'll be back before sundown I promise!" I said starting to sprint out into the forest. I made my way past the wisteria trees and took a breath.

"Thank goodness she wants me to train out here," I Said glancing at my hands and sighing.

"What is causing these to show... damn. It looks like I won't be able to find a way to hide these will I?" I said, sighing and starting to climb the trees. I tossed my sword and its sheath into a wisteria tree and climbed higher. When I got to the top of the tree I jumped from branch to branch to work on my balance. Since I couldn't really train my aerial fighting, it was an easy training day. I started to let myself focus on what was around me. The birds in the trees to the sound of the branch under my feet. It was calming. Nothing too serious since I was training at my own pace. After a while, I got the hang of it and started to pick up the pace with each branch a foot landed and I jumped almost eminently. With each step, it was much lighter than the one before. It was a sense of freedom that I felt every now and then outside of the corp and before fighting demons. When I landed I looked up to the sky and saw that the sun was now setting again.

"Oh wow... that was faster than I thought it was," I said starting my walk back. My legs were sore from the sprinting but it was nothing I couldn't handle so I didn't think much about it. I looked at my hands and the markings were slowly growing bolder on my wrist. No doubt about it I had the marking on my face as well. I groaned inwards and started to walk slower to give it time to fade before I hit the main grounds. The sun had completely set by the time I made it halfway to the wisteria border. I looked at my hands again and there was no sign of them fading. I sighed and I heard a twig snap not too far from me and I could feel my heart racing.

"Oh, another demon slayer you had me scared for a second. I thought you were a demon." The voice said, appearing out of the shadows.

"Oh sorry, I was just making my way back to base. I was training longer than I thought I was." I said calmly, keeping myself in the shadows.

"Are you okay? Are you injured?" The slayer asked, taking a step.

"N-no I'm fine," I said, stepping farther back. He stopped in his tracks and started to grip his sword.

"What are you doing?" I asked cautiously

"Who are you? You are no slayer." He said with his voice growing more stern.

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"No eyes glow in the dark. Wait... three?.... I knew it." He said, pulling his sword out.

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