Mission Impossible

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*Y/N's POV*

*5 Years Later*

We still got nothing, everyone's still gone. Steve's been trying everything he can to make you feel better. Nothing was going to make you feel better Bucky and Max are gone, and probably not going to come back. Bucky and Steve were your rock, everything that they did to make you happy, they made you happy. Steve is great, but you wanted both.

You were getting ready for bed and Steve came up behind you. He started to kiss your neck. "You know Y/N I love you and we are trying everything to get Buck back." He was holding you from behind. "I know I just missed having Bucky and everyone. You both are the people I love." You turn towards him, his eyes all blue. You loved to look. He swept you off your feet and dropped you onto his bed. J.A.R.V.I.S. came on the intercom and announced that there was something coming through the atmosphere. Steve and you ran outside. A spaceship was on the way down and this glowing thing. It landed right by us; Pepper was on my left. The door to the ship opened and this figure came out. It was dad. Steve ran up to help Tony and this other person walked out. She was blue, gold, and silver. The rabbit went up to her and hugged her. The rabbit never hugged anyone. The glowy thing was actually a person. She was ok.

We got dad and the blue girl inside and had the doctor fix dad. Dad was feeling better all he needed was just to be hooked up to this Machine and then he got his strength back. Nothing was back to normal. This guy named Scott was actually in this time space jump. And he said that he was only in there for 5 hours. That was the crazy part. Dad and mom moved out shortly after Tony got better. You stayed with Steve and visited dad a few times every 2 weeks. Scott had a plan, to travel through time and get the stones so we have another chance of defeating Thanos. It was a smart idea not going to lie.

Steve wanted to see if Tony knew if it would work. We headed out to his place. Your grandfather, Howard, gave that to dad when he died. It was a nice home to go to. Stress was never around out there. We got to the house and walked up. Dad was on the pouch not very happy to see any of us.

He told us no that it wouldn't be possible. Nothing was important enough to give up his time with Morgan. She was amazing, funny, and brilliant. Everything that dad and mom was.

*2 Weeks Later*

Dad came by and gave us the good news that there was a chance that we could travel through time, now all we needed was the Hulk. Shit got weird after everyone split up. Hill and Bruce were now the same person.

We finish the suits for time travel. And the portal thing. Clint was the first to test it out. When he came back, his vitals were normal. "TIME TRAVEL!" Bruce yelled. Wade came over to help, you and he were going to Vormir. It seemed like a cool place. We had to get this Soul Stone.

"See you in a minute." Nat said. We all put our hands in the middle and went our separate ways. Wade, Clint, Natasha, and you were all heading towards Vormir. Clint and Natasha came along just to make sure we got the stone. We made it all the way up to the mountain and Wade was dying. This red guy comes out of nowhere.

"Natahsa Romanoff daughter of Ivan. Clint Barton son of Harold Barton. Wade Wilson son of Thomas Wilson. Y/n Stark daughter of Tony Stark. I know what you seek, but what you seek will cost the one thing everyone is afraid of." Everyone looked at him. Your eyes were wide that looked like Red Skull, the one that put Steve in the ice. He made your blood boil.

Wade and you drew your swords. This guy was going down. Natasha put her hand on the blade and pushed it down. "Will you show us where the Soul Stone is?" She asked him. You moved his head to direct that we should follow him. We keep walking until we get to this ledge, you looked down. It had to be more than 100ft drop. But you didn't know. Red Skull said that he was on Vormir for seven decades. "Now tell me, what is to fear about this planet? Give us the stone." He shook his head, he couldn't. "Do you even have to stone?" He walked over to the ledge and said that he never had the stone. "The one thing that everyone fears is the loss of someone that they love. You need to lose a soul for a soul." He walked back to me. Nat and Clint were looking at each other. You can't lose either one of them.

We were there for what felt like 4 hours. It probably has. Nat and Clint were fighting about who was to lose their life. "Nat, Clint it's not going to be one of you, it can't be." Nat grabbed your hand. "Y/N, Steve needs you and so does your dad. It has to be one of us, not you. You have to let me do this." You shake your head. It wasn't going to happen.

You had to face the fact that one person wasn't coming back. You had an idea. Clint and Nat were still arguing. Wade was sleeping, man that man could sleep anywhere. You grabbed him and threw him over your shoulder. He woke up when you were getting closer to the edge. You placed him down. "Why did you wake me up?" Wade always questioned you no matter what.

"I saw a bird and wanted to tell you something." He looked for the bird and didn't find it. "There was no bird Y/N. What do you need to tell me?" He wasn't mad, he never was mad at you. Never, no matter what Wade was by your side through everything. "Remember when you would open up a box of pop tarts and the icing was likened off. That was me." You looked down and started to kick rocks. "You did that. Oh my god you were the last person I thought it was." He shook his head. He started to walk back. You grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. Nat and Clint were watching. "You know that I love you so much. Right." He shook his head. "Yea I know that you love me." Nat and Clint jump in. "Y/N you can't, everyone needs you." Clint said. "And I know that, so it won't be me." You ran and pushed Wade off the side of the cliff. His hand was reaching out like he was trying to grab your hand. He reached the bottom, his head cracked.

Red Skull handed you the Soul Stone and then we were in the water. Wade was right by my side. And we went back home.

Wade told me all about the fall and how awesome it was. He's a big dork. Always is and always will be. Now that we had the stones, it was time to find Thanos.

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