Back Together-ish Part 1

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No one should ever have to die. And that's what's so fucked up about this world. People die all the time and no one can stop death. You start to feel dizzy and everything starts to blur. Your ears start to ring. You see Bucky running towards you, he keeps mouthing something, but you can't hear what he is saying. Steve is in your vision, right as everything goes black. People keep saying your name, you want to talk back, but that doesn't happen. All you feel is cold. Freezing cold , you want to shiver but your body doesn't move. You feel a hand wrap around yours. It was clammy, warm and soft, it had to be Steve's, Bucky's hands were rough and cold. You want to open your eyes or your mouth to speak or to see them. Nothing was happening. Someone had to walk in because Steve's hand left yours. Everything was silent, you hate silence. Nothing good ever comes out when there's silence. Nothing could be worse than hearing your thoughts beating through your head. Finally someone started to talk, His voice sounded like Banner's. He kept saying big words and then finally he got to the word of coma. You couldn't be in a coma, not again. Someone just kill me already.

*Months pass by*

*Steve POV'S*
I haven't been the same since Y/N has been in that stupid coma. Bucky hasn't been the same either, he's been going to see her every night around 12 pm and doesn't come back to his room until 4. I don't know who is going to tell her. I know I don't have the guts and neither does Bucky. No one will be willing to tell her who died.

*Bucky's POV*
She looks so peaceful, and yet so miserable. She shouldn't have to go through all this pain in the coma and then out of it. I can't sleep and neither can Steve. He knows where I go even at night. Loki is sometimes in her room, reading to her, I don't bother him, I just watch, listen to him and in the afternoon I ask him what book he reads to her. He is the only one to know what book she likes, every Friday and Sunday is when we get together and read. Steve doesn't like it because he thinks that Loki might try to turn her against me and him. He loves to worry. She's been out for 7 months, 2 weeks, 5 days and 16 hours. The only thing I can do now is to watch time. Steve and I watched movies that Y/N loved. Y/N loves thoughts stupid movies that all you can do is laugh. I don't know how long she will be in that coma, but I hope she gets up soon.

*3 months past*

*Steve's POV*
It's almost been a year now and she still hasn't woken up. I've been giving up hope, not going to watch movies with Bucky, I stopped seeing the point. I have to live, sleep in the same room as her. The only thing that is separating our rooms is a door. Bucky won't go in there, he has all the reasons to go in there, but he doesn't go. I've been trying to let go, Sharon and I started getting coffees every Monday.
Bucky walked in and laid on my bed. He started to sleep in my bed after Y/N, I don't mind it, sometimes I sleep on the floor on my sofa. Bucky watches all of Y/n's favorite movies, I don't know how.

*1 month later*

*Steve's POV*
I started to date Sharon, she makes me happy, not as much as Y/N did, but she makes me happy. Bucky's a damn fool to keep seeing Y/N, he believes that one day she'll wake up. I don't believe that won't happen, but I don't think it'll happen anytime soon. I made my choice between Sharon and Y/N. I stopped having hope that Y/N would ever wake up.  I want to move away with Sharon. I walk into the living room Sharon asleep on the couch, she is so peaceful.
I take the box out of my pocket, the ring I'm going to propose to her. 

On Fridays, Banner gives us an update on Y/N

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On Fridays, Banner gives us an update on Y/N. It's every other Friday. Banner tells us the same thing every Friday, same thing over and over. His explanation gets shorter every time. "Y/N is still the same. Her blood pressure hasn't changed, nothing has changed." Suddenly, Bucky came running in, waking Sharon up. "Y/n's up. She's up. She is awake." Everyone is still, frozen almost. "Why is nobody moving, running toward her? Y/n is awake." Banner, Tony, and Bucky all run back to her. I don't want to move, I have to stay here with Sharon. Bucky comes back in looking at me. I look back and forth between Bucky and Sharon. Sharon gives me a look like I should go. I feel bad. I mean technically, we never broke up.
I go to Y/n, she's sitting up. She gives me a look, she's happy to see me. I don't go to her, I stand in the door frame. She just stares at me. Bucky is sitting on her bed holding her. She knows something is up, she always knows when somethings up with me. She looks down at the ground and grabs onto Bucky.
Banner wants to start running tests on her to make sure everything is fine with Y/N. Everything comes back normal for someone who just woke up from a coma. She keeps looking at me. I walk over to her. She grabs me and doesn't let go. Banner said she probably needs to go up to her room and lay down for a couple of days. Me and Bucky help her up. "Take it easy," Bucky says. "Not so fast doll". She has something to say. "Not so fast, not so fast last time I was with you, that's what I was screaming and you didn't listen. It also didn't help the fact that when you were done, Steve started." He smiles and rolls his eyes. Bucky's happy that she's finally up.
We get up to the room, Bucky starts heading for his bed. But Y/N let go and headed to her room. She wants to be cozy in her own room. She looks around, nothing has changed because no one has entered. She looks kind of sad that her room isn't a mess or changed in any way. She goes to her dresser and grabs Bucky's boxers and one of my shirts. "I've been looking everywhere for those boxers." Bucky grabs and holds her up. "Maybe if someone went through my room they would've found something of theirs. I have a lot of things in my room." She smiles. I can't do this. I walk out and either of them follow me.

*Bucky's POV*
I can't believe she is here. I love her. I love her. I love her. I love her. I love her. I love her. I love her. I love her. I'm in love with her. Loki comes in. She walks straight to him. He brings her in for a long hug. He's happy that she's up. Loki looks like he could almost cry. She jumps into my arms, she knows what her limits are. "Where did Steve go?" she questioned. "I don't know, but I just want some time with you." We get into the bed where we lay for hours on end. The only time I get up is when I get her something to drink or to eat.
Days have passed and Bruce said she could get up and move around. "Doll, I'm going to use the bathroom and go downstairs, want me to wait for you?" I asked. She shook her head no. "I'll be down in a bit. I have to change."

*Y/N's POV*
I love Bucky and I'm starting to hate Steve. He hasn't been up here once, not even to sleep. The day he was in here, he dropped something out of his pocket. Bucky made it impossible for me to figure out what it was. So I used telekinesis to move the object under my bed. Now's the chance I get to open it. I grab the box from under my bed and open it. It was a ring. It's a pretty one. Is he thinking about proposing to you? OMG. You jump up and down till a stupid thought hits your mind. Why did he have the ring when you woke up? He couldn't possibly know that you were going to wake up that day. Was the ring for someone else. Sadness and anger took over. Did he like someone other than you? He's a bitch. How could you possibly be so naive?

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