Chapter 5

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It was late enough in the evening that the crowd the event started with hours ago lessened to some mingling guests standing around in smaller groups or sitting in the cream colored booths that were installed around the ballroom for the night.

Kinn looked at his phone while his friend's voices washed over him thinking about how much longer he needed to stay to not lose face when Time's exclamation suddenly grabbed his attention.

"Oh my... that is one fine specimen..."

He lifted his head to follow the other's line of sight only partially registering as Tay swatted his boyfriend on his shoulder for the comment. He looked at the man leaning on the bar that was set up on the other side of the room. His gaze slid up the long legs to stop at the well formed backside they led to. He lifted his brows as his eyes moved higher only for his fingers to tighten around his phone at the rush of arousal that ran through his body as he saw how tiny the man's waist looked in the black vest that he wore above his dark shirt. The vest had some discreet gold stitching on it but what really grabbed his attention was the almost completely hidden lacing that ran down the back of it, pulling the fabric even more taut and highlighting the difference between the man's muscular shoulder and slim waist.

He watched as the man turned to the side for a moment, so his face was visible too. His sun kissed skin looked almost golden in the warm lights of the room, his eyes doe like in the darkness around the bar.

He was one of the most beautiful men that Kinn ever saw in his life. And he saw a lot of them. He had most of them in his bed too.

"I guess we just lost you for the night." commented Tay as he saw how captivated Kinn became "Go get him. Have fun."

Kinn smiled at him, before putting his phone into the inner pocket of his dark red suit jacket and slowly starting to move towards the bar. The man turned to the barkeep and told him something then watched as the other hastily walked away after a bow coming back not long after with a bottle of wine in his hand and showing it to the man waiting for his nod.

Kinn just reached the bar and leaned against its top when the barkeep wiped at the bottle before starting to remove the wax from the top under the man's careful gaze.

"I see you have a good taste in your drink too, not just your clothes." said Kinn to the man.

"I'm working." replied the other without even looking into his direction.

Kinn slightly twitched, not really used to being shot down this fast. He frowned a little, then his eyes slid over the people around him, noticing an older woman watching him from a corner booth not far from them. She was sitting in the company of beautiful young men with just one empty seat next to her. Kinn and she talked shortly in the beginning of the event and Kinn remembered how she said to him that she had just made a new addition to her roster that she thought Kinn would like even if the man was a little different than his usual tastes.

He nodded at the woman with a smile before sliding closer to the man at the bar.

"How fortunate for me. " said Kinn. From the corner of his eye he saw how the barkeep opened the bottle of wine and started to decant it. "I'm good friends with Madam Sunee, I could ask for you for the night."

He slightly pointed towards the woman in the corner but his attention was on the man so he didn't notice how she frowned a little when the man glanced at her before slowly turning towards Kinn with a smile on his face.

"Could you?"

Kinn felt another rush of arousal as the man's eyes slid over his body, just stopping a moment at his left hand before his plush lips slowly pulled into a smile as their eyes met. They looked at each other for a long moment before the barkeep slowly placed a glass of red wine before the man making the other turn towards him.

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