Chapter 15

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The two men turned at the sound of the motorcycles' echoing rumble as they rolled down the driveway towards the garage, almost entering the building when Kinn straightened a little, stepping closer.

The red bike stopped next to him, its rider removing his helmet as he leaned in for a gentle kiss while the black bike continued to roll forward making a turn so it could be parked with the front of it looking toward the driveway instead of the end of the garage. Vegas turned off the engine, set the kickstand then removed his helmet while he stepped off the bike glancing at his friend and rolling his eyes when he saw that he was still entangled with his cousin.

He looked at his bike one more time, making a mental note to have someone refuel it and was already turning to walk away when Porsche called out to him.

"Hey, I'll take Kinn for a ride."

Vegas lifted his brow as he saw said man swing his leg above the bike to be able to sit behind Porsche, looking both excited about the idea and a little bit put out to be in such an uncomfortable position. Vegas looked at them then walked to the side of the garage and grabbed an extra helmet from the cabinet there. He walked up the driveway and pushed it against his cousin's chest, almost making the man fall off from the backseat as he instinctively leaned back.

"I wouldn't hear the end of it if your tiny brain ends up smeared all over the pavement somewhere." said Vegas when the other just looked at him questioningly.

"Fuck you too." commented Kinn but he dutifully put on the helmet as Porsche reached back and swatted at his thigh.

Pete was watching them from the side but he stepped closer when he saw his boss getting ready to leave. Porsche glanced at him and Kinn finally seemed to remember his presence when his boyfriend pointed at the bodyguard after he made a turn on the driveway.

"I'll be back in an hour or two, wait for me here. Update Big but no one else, I don't want them to make a fuss about it."

"Yes, Khun Kinn." said Pete with a bow.

He watched as they left on the bike, then almost jumped backwards when Vegas stepped up next to him with a strange look on his face. They watched each other for a while, Pete's lips slowly moving into his nervous smile before the other sighed and started to walk towards the buildings motioning to the bodyguard to follow him only to stop again as Pete just continued to stand on the driveway.

"I don't think my cousin is that much of an asshole to mean the wait here literally." said Vegas before he turned away not even waiting to see the other's reaction.

He couldn't hold back a smirk as he heard the man fall into step behind him, following as they walked the walkway that led to the building that housed the guest bedrooms and the studio in the basement before they continued towards the living quarters. Vegas took off his shoes and saw from the corner of his eyes as Pete did the same. He looked around the living room, frowning a little when he found it completely empty before he remembered that Chay and Macau were out once again with his youngest cousin and only were supposed to arrive home late afternoon.

He walked up the stairs towards his room only to suddenly stop and turn around as he heard the steps still following behind him.

"How forward of you." said Vegas with a little smirk when Pete looked up at him "Coming to my rooms right away."

"Sorry, Khun Vegas!" responded Pete automatically while taking a step back, then another, walking backwards down the stairs "It was an accident."

"Just sit on the couch. You can turn on the TV if you want."

Vegas watched as the bodyguard nodded, then turned around, stepped down the stairs, back to the ground floor and took a seat on the couch just like the other told him. Vegas took a deep breath then entered his room and closed the door behind himself. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, placing it on the hangers above the laundry basket thus marking it to be sent for dry cleaning. He put his phone and his wallet on the edge of his bed then unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down along with his briefs, removing his socks too while he stepped out of them.

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