Report Cards Part 1

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It's been a rough couple of months, my parents passed away at the beginning of the summer, and I'm now living with my three older brothers, and twin brother...he's literally my best friend; but figures he's 10 hours older then me. Josh is 23, Ryan is 20, David is 17, and Nick and I just turned 15. Having my three older brothers as guardians? Yeah it sucks. Like don't get me wrong, I love my brothers more than anything, but they're extremely over protective and really dedicated to making sure Nick and I...especially me..."stay on the right track." They're convinced we won't learn anything unless we're properly punished; and well, all three of them think I am a spoiled brat. My dad spanked us whenever whenever we stepped out of line, but let's just say I got out of much more than they ever did.


Jess and I were spanked for the first time when we were five, for trying to run away when we didn't get to stay up as late as our brothers (stupid right?). Our dad gave us ten swats each, over our underwear, but as a five year old, that's really painful. Since then, my dad just didn't have it in his heart to hurt his baby girl. My brothers? Yeah complete opposite, they don't think twice about causing her pain if needed; and they thought my dad should have corrected her behavior more times than I can count. The first time Jess was spanked by them sucked. I know you're probably thinking, "She's the one who had to go through it, not you," but that's completely wrong. It was pure torture to have to hear her cries, knowing she was in pain, and not be able to do anything about it.

It was about a month and a half after our parents passed away, and mine, Jess', and David's report cards had just gotten mailed to our house. Jessica had never done well in school, and with our parents passing, she bombed her finals. Let's just say her grades sucked, and mine and David's were amazing (typical). Our brothers were out playing football, so we just left our report cards sitting on the counter, hoping our brothers would be somewhat understanding. Jess and I went up to our room and started watching tv, she was extremely nervous. This was nothing new, Jessica had always been the trouble, mischievous one.


We heard the front door open, and our three brothers walk in, and just waited. About five minutes later, we heard Josh yell, "JESSICA MARIE COLEMAN, GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!" And that was it, my fate was sealed, he was royally pissed. When I got down the stairs, and into the kitchen, Josh was fuming. "Care to explain these grades to us?" Josh asked. "Come on Josh, you know things were hard after mom and dad passed away, my finals were hard, cause I barely studied, and they brought my grades down..." I tried to explain. "What about all the teachers' horrible comments? Jessica, your English teacher has a note on here asking that I call her, is there anything you need to tell me before I do?" I looked down, trying to avoid his glare, "No..." I whispered. "Are you sure? You got an F in her class, the lowest grade anyone in this family has ever gotten," he lifted my chin up so I was looking at him, "this is your last chance." "Ugh fine. I'm not the most respectful person in her class, I've done so much, I don't even know what she wants to talk to you about." Josh shook his head, and took out his cell phone, and walked out of the room.


I honestly could not believe that girl. Her excuses were invalid. Finals don't kill your grades that much. Both David's and Nick's grades were fine. I wonder if we should be worried about her?

Jessica walked over and sat at the kitchen table and laid her head down, I could hear her crying. I walked over, and sat next to her. She looked up. "I'm really disappointed in you." I told her, "You're a smart girl, you need to stop being so lazy! And you cannot even use the excuse of mom and dad, Nick and David's grades were perfectly fine." Her eyes got wide,"Did you ever think that maybe I'm handling it different than them?! I'm sorry I can't just forget my feelings and hide them like all of you. Maybe it's a little harder on me because I lost mom! You guys all have each other to look up to. I'm the only girl, I can't talk to you guys about all this stuff. I'm really really hurting, and none of you seem to care!" And she got up and ran upstairs.

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