Finding Out Part 1

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It's been two weeks since the report card incident, the and everything is the best it's been since my parents passed away. I aced my exams, with a lot of help from David and Nick. I worked hard, because there's no way I would have gone to summer school. I've been enjoying summer like a typical California girl, I can't stay away from the beach. 

My boyfriend, Noah, and I have been going out for three months, and I just my brothers Well, Nick has known since I started talking to Noah, but he doesn't really count...I can't keep anything from him. 

He and I were laying on my bed, talking. "I can't believe you haven't told them yet, Jessie." I sighed, "I want to, but I'm honestly so afraid of their reaction, especially Dave." Dave has always been the most protective over me, I remember when I told him about my "first boyfriend" in second grade, he lied to me and said my hand would fall off if I had a boyfriend in attempt to keep me away from boys. I was terrified of boys for a long time after that. Nick shook his head at me, "You need to tell them Jessica, or I will." I shot up and glared at him, "You wouldn't." "Yes, I will Jessie, I'm not kidding. They're your brothers, they deserve to know, the longer you wait to tell them, the worse they're going to react." "I have permission to date, I don't know why you're making this such a big deal!" Nick got off my bed, and stood, "Because I still haven't met the guy and he's 17! And you know as well as I do that they're supposed to meet any guys you're going out with." I kept my glare on him, "I'm not telling them." He shook his head, and glared back at me, "Then I will." He turned around, and stormed out of my room, slamming the door behind him. "DAMNIT NICHOLAS!" I screamed at him. I was beyond upset with him. He's supposed to be my twin, and help me keep things that I don't want my brothers to know a secret. Not sell me out!


I heard a door slam, then my sister scream at Nick. I looked at Ryan, concern lacing my features, and he shook his head at me, "We all know to leave them alone when they get like that." "I know, their fights just make me so's like they're fighting with themselves." Ryan nodded, and went back to making sandwiches for lunch. I went into the tv room, and pulled out my phone. I had been laying there for about 2 minutes, when Josh came back from the grocery store. "Hey, can you help me unload?" I nodded, and walked outside, helping him finish unloading the groceries. We set them on the kitchen counter, and started to unpack the bags.

"It's really quiet in here, where are the twins?" "Fighting," Ryan simply stated. Josh looked up, irritated, "Again?" he asked. "Yep." I told him. "I'm getting sick and tired of their constant fighting lately." To be honest, at that point, we were all fed up...the past couple months, the twins had been fighting much more than normal, I wonder why, but I knew it was always a power struggle with them two, Nick gets caught up between the older brother and twin roles, and that bothers Jess to no end. He tells her to do, or not to do something that she's confided in him about, using his twin privileges to play the older brother card. Jess' words, not mine. They confuse me, all I know is that when they fight, it's uncomfortable for all of their whole dynamic is thrown off.

"Jessica, Nicholas!" Ryan yelled, "Come eat!" Nick came down the stairs, and picked up a sandwich and some chips, Jessica was no where to be seen. Ryan noticed Jess' lack of presence, and asked, "Where's Jessie?" Nick just shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, and I don't care," he stated. Josh raised his eyebrows, "Is she okay?" Nick shrugged again. I shook my head at his lack of desire to help her, and walked up the stairs to her room. 

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