Chapter 11

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Cw: Swearing, fighting, implied sex


Chapter 12; song recommendation:

Apocalypse - cigarettes after sex

"In the end of it all, I had to get a restraining order against her because after I left school and began packing, she kept coming to my house to harras me."

"Oh." Sapnap said with a slightly shocked face. Another one of those silences began where it wasn't uncomfortable but wasn't all that comfortable.

"So thank you, for sticking with me, not judging me for the things I've told you or being toxic for no reason, thank you." I stated with a smile.

"Mm, people who are like that, I believe, are just bored. I'm sorry that happened to you." He smiled back

God, help me.

The sudden urge to lunge to his face and wipe that smile off with a kiss, hit me so hard that I put my hands on his face and brought his mouth to mine. There was a moment of hesitancy before realization, but nevertheless he kissed back.

I was never the one to like labels so months after that kiss and many make out sessions, I never asked what we were.

Neither did he.


"Wow, I can't believe after summer is over we'll be seniors in high-school! Time flew by so quick!" Sap stated with a toothy smile.

"I know! I can't wait to finally be out of school but I won't lie, I will miss the classes I've been in!" I replied, wrapping my right arm on his shoulders as we were yet again sitting before the starlight. He responded by laying his head on my shoulder with a hum of agreement, so I put my head on his as we enjoyed the others company.

Sapnap pulled a blunt out from his signature heart flame hoodie and lit the end opposing his lips.

"Sap,", I began

He looked at me with a questioning look.

"I thought I told you to stop...", I finished

"When? I think I would have remembered if you had?" He continued to take a hit of the intoxicating drug

"Maybe you were too high to remember..." I mumbled, attracting my gaze elsewhere

"What do you mean maybe I was 'too high to remember'?"

"Well you have been doing it a lot more recently?" It sounded more of a question

"It takes my mind off of things. Just-" he sighed before continuing, "just fucking drop it, okay?"

"Well, you can talk to me, you don't have to always resort to being out of mind. You do know that right?"

"I said to just fucking drop it! It doesn't matter what goes on in my life! I'm clearly doing this shit because I don't want to talk to anyone! So just shut the fuck up...", he practically yelled

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?! I'm trying to help you!" I responded, by then we had both stood up.

"Ever heard of space?"

"Huh, waiting for the day you wake up and realize that that shit isn't gonna help you!" I stormed off back to my house

"You act like you haven't done it too!" He yelled as I was walking away

I turned around "I don't use it whenever one small thing goes wrong in my life! Wake the fuck up!"


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