( ~Enough~ )

992 29 13

IM BACK FROM HIATUS OR SMTH LOL SRY ( smut will be on hold sry I can't bring myself to write any of it ) Also do tell me if you caught that tidbit (there are 2 hehe ) ;)


Cheong-san thinks he makes for a pitiful sight. Eyes red and burning. Voice hoarse from cries he yelled so bitterly before. His hair is scattered and messy. When he woke up, he thought today was going to be okay. Today was going to be alright. It was all going to be okay.

It wasn't okay.

In fact, it was the worst day of his life.

He went into school with a smile.

He left with a cry.

The memories of the morning were fuzzy, all he remembers was Su-hyeok standing by the door kissing their class president.

He thought – he thought they were enough to fight for. Even if he said it was a mistake, even if his parents didn't approve, wasn't it enough for him? Wasn't it enough they got together? Wasn't it enough that they were even together?

He said that we would go against the world together. He said he wouldn't listen to his parents. He said he would fight for us.

He said he would fight for —

"For me." Cheong-san sits on a lonely bench in the park — the secluded area giving him the peace he so desperately hoped for.

And he feels those traitorous feelings creeping up on him again.

He feels someone sit on the bench next to him, he raises his eyes and is met with a handkerchief. A boy wearing a face mask sits next to him. "Here... I'm sorry for disturbing you, but you looked like you needed company." The boy murmurs next to him. Cheong-san tries to smile, but going by the boy's eyes, the smile didn't look like a smile.

He and the boy sit on the bench, the silence wrapping around them didn't feel awkward at all — if anything, it felt nice, it felt... comforting.

"Do..." The boy coughs next to him, "Do you want to talk about it?" He pauses, but it seems to the boy it was a rejection. "I'm really sorry you don't have to talk-" The boy rambles apologies, but Cheong-san lets out a teary laugh.

"It's fine, I probably needed to say this." He fidgets with the handkerchief, "My boyfriend - well, ex now I suppose, cheated on me." His gaze falls on the boy's wide dark brown eyes staring back at him with sympathy. "We were... Complicated, we weren't out yet. We only told our parents — and his parents didn't like me. Well, they didn't like the fact that he was dating a boy." He feels tears gather again.

"He told me that he would fight for us. He told me that no matter what it was us against the world." Cheong-san leans back onto the bench. "I believed him." Tears start to slip down his cheeks. "I did everything to be supportive - I was always there for him when his parents and him fought, when he got into a fight, when he got low grades, when any trouble arose I was always there. Even if I had to cancel plans, I was always there." He lets out a silent sob.

"I wanted us to finally walk down those streets hand in hand like those couples I see. I wanted us to be proud of ourselves, I wanted us to be free and —" His voice broke. "Wanting was enough. For me, it was enough." He ran a hand over his face. "I lived my life like that, hoping that one day we could be free and be together without judgment." The boy next to him lands a hand on his shoulder, a silent comfort.

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