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y/n's POV

ughhh finally! the bell rang! i put my notebook in my book bag and head to my locker to get my skateboard. once i reach my locker i put in the number combo and open the locker. i grab my skateboard and close up the locker. i hear a familiar voice yelling outside. bowers.

i walk outside and see bowers and his gang bulling 4 boys. i sneak up behind bowers and whack him in the back of the head with my skateboard.

"ah!" henry fell to the ground. i crouch down to his level.

"now tell me henry what did these boys do to you?" i ask kindly.


"what. did. these. boys. do. too. you?"


"so why are you pushing them around like they are objects?"

"i-i don't know,"

"then leave them alone," i smile.

"o-okay!" he gets up and runs away. i smile proudly.

"holy shit! that was hot!" i hear one of the boys behind me yell.

"do you have a death wish?!" another one yells. i turn around to face the boys.

"if he even tries anything on me, he'll be the one dead,"

"wow.." the one with glasses mumbles.

"w-who are y-you?" the one with brown-ish hair asks.

"y/n, y/n hayes. and you?"

"i-i'm b-bill," the stuttering one says.

"stanley," the curly haired boy raises his hand.

"eddie," the short one says.

"ur future boyfriend," the one with glasses smirks.

"well he can't possibly be my future boyfriend if i don't even know his name," i fake gasp. he just smirks even harder.

"richie, richie tozier," he says.

"hm," i smirk. i can see a light pink blush on his cheeks. i look at my watch and see it's already 3:00.

"oh, god, i have to go get my friend and take her home. i'll see you guys around?"

"definitely, hot stuff," richie smirks again. i decide to mess with him.

"good," i wink and walk away. i look back just enough to see him hiding his blush from the boys. i see beverly and walk towards her.


"heyy, girly!" she replies.

"ugh, bev, you know i hate it when you call me that. it's so girly," i make a disgusted face.

"and that's a good thing! being girly is the best!"

"whatever, anyway how was ur last day?" i ask.

"great! i ran into the new kid, uh what his name.." she sits there with a thinking face.

"ben!" she exclaims.

"oh i've seen him around the halls, and i think i had him in one of my classes," i tell her.

"oh well he was sweet. get this, he was listening to new kids on the block!"

"oh well that kind of makes sense,"

"that's what i said!" i laugh. we reach beverly's bike and make our way home.

first part of the richie x reader story :P

- temperance

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