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richie's POV (finallyyy)

we are all riding over to ben's house to 'check out his room' i'm honestly surprised i haven't ran into something because i keep looking over at y/n instead of where i'm going. i don't know what is going on with me, i have never felt weird like this for a girl before. sure i've flirted with some, but only because i liked to annoy them because 'none of them liked me' but they obviously did, i mean, who could resist this hotness?

we eventually made it to ben's house. i tried to catch up to y/n but she was already in the house so i just talked to eddie. i walked in ben's room which had missing kid posters and other random shit that i don't really care about on the walls.

"whoa, whoa, whoa,"

"wow!" i say, acting amazed.

"cool huh?"

"no, no, nothing cool," i say only to get elbowed by y/n.

"what?" i whisper to her. she just laughs softly. god that was adorable.

y/n's POV

i hear the boys talking nonsense in the corner. or literally just richie. but i get lost in a picture on ben's wall. what. the. actual. fuck.

it's that fuckin clown i saw at my neighbors the other day. i swear i just saw it move. i get pulled out of my thoughts with a hand on my shoulder.

"y/n, you okay?" it was richie.

"yea, yea, i'm fine," i walk over to beverly.

"hey, bev, i think i'm gonna head home,"

"okay, be safe,"

"i will, thanks," i start to walk off.

"wait y/n!" richie calls me back.


"do you want me to ride home with you?"

"if you want to,"

"i'd love to," he winks. i just laugh. me and richie walk outside of ben's house. he grabs his bike and i grab my board and start skating away.

"hey, wait for me!" i laugh loudly. he eventually catches up to me and he takes me home. once i'm home i walk inside.

"mom! i'm home!"

"hey, hun!"

"hey," i hug her.

"so how was the quarry?"

"it was good,"

"good, i'm glad you had fun," she smiles.

time skip~

i spent the rest of the day playing with lia since i had literally nothing else to do. but it was now time for bed. lia had fallen asleep in my lap so i put her gently in her bed and went off to mine. and for once, i actually had a good night sleep.

the next morning

i wake up to the phone ringing AGAIN. it's probably bev. i get up from my comfortable bed and answer the phone.


"hey, hot stuff!" how the fuck did richie get my number?

"richie? how did you get my number?"

"bev, gave it to me yesterday at ben's house,"

"oh, well do you need something?"

"yea, bev, asked us to go to her apartment,"

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