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Hey My Turtle Readers...

I know this is short but the next one will be longer.

And I've decided that ill be skipping a few episodes because April is not in them, so will jump to Monkey brains. 

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On one of the many rooftops of New York City, the turtles and Althea are staking out a building which had the exact logo on it as the white van.

"Explain to me one more time what we're doing here?" Mikey asked again for the tenth time in a row.

While his brothers got frustrated, Althea snickered under her breath and beat Leo to explaining the plan, "Mikey, we've been over this. That building has the same logo as the van that was used to kidnap the family."

Leo butted in, "So if we wait here long enough, one of the kidnappers will eventually show his face. And when he does, we'll make him tell us where they took them."

"And then we got ourselves a van!"Mikey exclaimed in excitement. As Leo placed his hand on his forehead in frustration he told Mikey, "just hit the guy I tell you to."

"Will do!" Mikey exclaimed, putting his thumb up towards Leo.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Raph asked unsure of Leo and Althea's plan.

"Trust us. They'll be here any second," Althea reassured.

As time passes, the brothers do things while Althea and Leo kept watching on the balcony edge. from Mikey flicking stones which hit Donnie to Raph leaning against a sign pole. Also, Donnie skips a rope then suddenly trips then plays eye spy with Donnie.

"Okay, I'm thinking of something green. Ga-reen. Ga-reen." Mikey explained.

"Is it, Raphael, again?" Donnie asked, sulking in boredom.

"Man, you're good at this!" Mikey exclaimed in shock.

Two hours later, Raph had enough of waiting around for what could be nothing. So he walked up to Leo and Althea, saying, "Give it up you two already. The guy's not gonna show."

"We have to be patient," Leo reminded Raph.

"No, you have to come up with a better plan, 'cause the five of us standing here with our thumbs up to our noses . . ." Raph complained.

"I don't think they'd fit," Mikey interrupted as he looked at his thumbs to comparison, making Althea shake her head towards Mikey in laughter. She was liking Mikey even more in a brotherly way cause of the goofy jokes he makes.

"...is pointless," Raph finished.

"You sure about that, Raph?" Althea asked, looking towards the building with Leo.

"He just showed up, didn't he? I should've complained two hours ago." Raph complained about seeing the white van parked by the building and the guy coming out of the passenger's seat.

"Gentlemen, and my lady, I have a bold and daring plan. There's no time for hesitation. My orders must be carried out without question." Leo said in a different voice but notices his brothers are gone and Althea standing next to him with a look of shock.

"Enough with the Captain Ryan voice, we got a guy to catch!" Althea exclaimed, transforming into her wolf form them climbs gracefully down the fire escape.

"Wow!! I think I'm in love" Leo exclaimed, surprised that a girl he's only met knows Space Heroes. Snapping out of his trance, Leo climbs down the fire escape to join his team.

Once Leo joins them, all five approach the driver of the van with ease. "All right, buddy. We can do this the easy way, or my vote, the hard way." Raph threatened, bringing out his Sai's ready to attack.

"Yeah, look at it logically. There are five of us and one of you. What are you gonna do?" Donnie taunted the man to see what he could inflict on them.

The man brings out a gun from behind, starting to shoot lasers at them. The turtles and Althea jumped higher to avoid them.

"You had to ask!" Althea exclaimed, annoyed at Donnie for provoking the man. The turtles and Althea jump down from the fire escape, trying to catch the white van, but it was too fast for them.

"He's getting away again!" Donnie pointed out.

"Not if I can help it!" Althea descended the road at full wolf speed, chasing after the white van.

"Whoa!! Athea is so fast," Mikey said in awe.

"I agree, but compare wolf speed to a van, that guy will still be able to get away!" Donnie pointed out.

"No, he's not," Leo said, as the turtles jumped over rooftops to chase him down while Althea chases down the street at full wolf speed.

Raph leaps on top of the van but is shaken off and crashes upside down against a concrete wall. The man's eyesight catches the other turtles running across the roofs, so he begins shooting at them and Althea, who's hot on his tail.

Had enough of this guy's shooting, Leo jumped into the air and throws a shuriken which pierces the left tyre. The driver loses control and crashes into a light pole, flipping the van on its side.

"Now we're getting somewhere," Leo said as all the turtles climb back down to the street to join Althea who transformed back into her human self.

They hide by a side of a building. Leo executes hand signals, yet the brothers look confused.

"I don't know what that means, " Raph imitated what Leo did.

Althea explained, "it means go around back. Are you sure you're not the brainless one?" Althea joked, making Donnie and Mikey laugh yet all Raph did was a grunt in annoyance.

They sneak around the back of the van, which is opened and boxes have spilt onto the street. Althea pulled open the other door and a canister filled with glowing blue ooze rolls out and halts at Mikey's feet.

It reminds the turtles of the canister they have at home and gives memories to Althea that she can't put her finger on.

"Mom?" Mikey said in shock. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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