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Here is Chapter One, hope you enjoy it and leave a vote and lovely comment cause you turtle readers give me the courage to continue my stories.

It's going to be based on Season One, Episode One "Rise of The Turtles" enjoy!


Althea POV

"One Year Later"

It's been a quiet year since arriving in New York. I managed to locate Kirby and April, informing Kirby of my mother's passing. So we decided that I should pose as April's pet dog without her knowing. I also patrol the city at night, for any sign of the Krang making a move to capture April. I do miss my Mama dearly, yet I know she lives inside me.

So as I took the night off from patrolling, I and the O'Neil's walked home after taking me on a walk around the park. For the past hour, I've been sensing a white van following us yet I shrug it off cause it is a working van.

"Here you go Huntress, Fetch!!" April encourages me to catch the tennis ball. She chucks it down the street, then My instincts catch on and I run down the street, catching the ball in my mouth.

"Good Girl Huntress" April pats my head and grabs the ball from my mouth. All of a sudden the white van, parks sideways in front of us. A long-haired man wearing a white vest jumps out of the driver's seat. Whilst four men in suits with short black hair, jump out of the back of the van.

The four men walk towards us, forcing me to stand in front of April and Kirby to protect them. April grabs hold of her father's arm.

"What is this?" Kirby asked in horror about what is about to fall. From the looks of them, I can tell there the Krang. The only way I could fight them is to reveal myself to April. so I ordered Kirby "get April to safety, I'll deal with these goons."

"Wait you can talk!?!" April asked in shock that her dog, which she's had for a year can talk. "I'll explain everything later April, now let's go!" Kirby exclaimed and dragged April, not knowing after the white vest guy stops them.

The three Krang robots were about to follow the O'Neil's. Until I stop them. "You want them, your gonna have to come through me" I growled at them and shift back into my human form, wearing my huntress outfit.

"It is the one called "The Phoenix of The Moon" A Krang Robot Said.

"oh, you've heard of me? good cause it's the last name you'll ever hear!" I warned them and unsheath my sword, slicing the first Krangbots head off like it was melted butter and watching the squishy brain run away like a cowardly dog.

I watch the other two, just stand there in shock. "what!! scared to face me" I joked to encourage them to fight me. But boy I was wrong. An endless amount of Krang bots from the van, come charging toward me which catches me off guard. I swing, stab, and slice each Krangbot but it was no use, as one kicks me to the floor and begins to stamp on me with help from his friends.

With every swift of pain I got inflicted upon, I look to see a passed-out Kirby being chucked into the van, with the white vest guy and a Krangbot holding April. "Hey let them go!" I exclaimed but it was no use. I felt so helpless

Phoenix of The Moon: Leonardo RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now