Chapter Three

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By the time the cart arrived at the old's couples house, the sun was already gone. The house was located in the furthest part of the town, upon the hill. With the background of the dark city, the house of the older man and lady seemed to be as welcoming as its owners. It had two floors and on the left side, a small stable was built, for an old donkey and the cart to stay.

"You can stay with us if you wish laddie," said the man carefully hopping off the seat, as his wife did the same. Neil seemed to be too exhausted to move. But the thought of staying with an old couple somehow sounded good. Gathering the last bits of himself, Neil stood up from the cart. "I would be glad to," he said quietly, allowing himself to smile shyly. The old man was pleased to hear that, "But don't think you will live for free! I expect you to help me out! I'll teach you how to be a man" he exclaimed proudly, firmly grabbing Neil's shoulder. The young boy wondered, how is that possible that a man as old as him, can still be as strong, as his grip was strong.

"Don't scare the child yet." Said the old lady walking toward both of the men. Compared to Neil and the old man, the lady was shorter, but it was hard to notice since the lady was having a bun of tied hair. "Let him have a rest, he had a rough time" the lady held Neil's hand, for comfort.

The old lady's hand was soft and warm, Neil could melt into her touch. After such an adventure, that he had to experience for a few days, warmth and bed were what he craved. The lady did not plan on letting go of the young man. She wrapped her arm around his as they entered the house. "Come along, don't be shy nor scared." the old woman said softly. As Neil walked inside, he noticed the first floor had a decent size to live for two people. In the right corner, a large fireplace is carved from stone took a place. It was all dark inside due to the constant burning, but at the moment, it burned nothing. In front of the fireplace, there were two armchairs, big and soft. A small, light grey fur of an old wolf lay on the floor in between, to keep feet warm and relaxed. From the fireplace, Neil's gaze followed along the left side, he saw stairs that lead to the second floor. The stairs were made from dark stone which wasn't rare material in this city. Behind the stairs, Neil noticed a small kitchen with a not-big table to eat on, but it was perfect for two or three people. Man's gaze continued its journey along the first floor, Neil saw a bookshelf, with no free space on it.

"Aye don't you stay in the doors, please come on in. Drake, start the fire, it's freezing here."

"You don't say Millah!" the man huffed, making his way to make the house warm. The whole house seemed to be cosy

"So Drake and Millah..." Neil said quietly as his voice became raspy and distant, eyes locked on the newborn fire. The old lady gave a confused look, not knowing what he meant, but then a sudden realization hit her. "Oh, gods! I'm sorry, we completely forgot to introduce ourselves!" the lady took this matter close to her heart as she sat Neil on the armchair and quickly rushed to make tea for him. "Yes, my name's Millah and my husband's Drake. I suppose we haven't got your name as well!" her voice echoed through the small space, hitting the walls of the half wooden - half stoned house. Neil tried to follow the woman with his eyes, but heavens sake, she was fast!

The old man collapsed on into the other chair near the lad. He took a comfortable position and finally sighed tiredly. The old man's look shifted onto Neil, who on the other hand, was captivated by the fire. It was dancing seductively and beautiful, just like the dancers in the Capital. The light orange mixed with the dark one, miraculously creating a golden shade. Neil wondered how even though he already knew the answer.

"So boy," said the man. Neil tiredly looked upon him "you gonna tell us your name?" Neil continued to stare. In his mind, he once again remembered the events of that night. He ached, thinking about that. "Neil's my name," he said, as quiet as the fire danced. The old man didn't ask more, as he saw the face of the boy. Both men stared at the fire, which danced as beautiful as the sunrise on the sea waves.

"I have once seen more beautiful fire," said the man, not shifting his eyes. "And there ain't nothing beautiful in this world as that fire." his voice was distant and soft as he remembered.

Neil listened carefully, curious. "It was a fire burning with hope and desire, anger and will to live, love and hate... it was so alive..."

"Are you talking about the girl again?" the lady shouted from the back of the house, in the kitchen, slightly irritated. "By all gods, you, old man poking my nerves!" she snapped, walking towards the fire, kitchen towel was swinging on her right shoulder.

"But what have I done? Ah, ain't done nothing for you to be mad, dear Millah!" the man looked into his wife's, eyes slightly widened.

"It's been said to us, to not speak of her! It was a whole accident that we saw her in the first place. If it was not for the old donkey we would not see her!'' said an old woman, shaking her head.

"I suggest it was a good sign that we've seen them!" exclaimed the man raising hands to the sky.

Neil had found comfort in their little argument. Despite the couple fighting, it was still noticeable how they loved each other, the lad could even see the bond of friendship. Neil w]ondered if they were friends before the marriage, that would've made Drake and Millah quite a couple of soulmates.

"That's it! I'm sick and tired of your nonsense. We had one simple request, and yet, here we are!" Snapped the lady.

"Pardon me," Neil said "but what is the reason for your fight? Or I should rather say, who?" Both of them were startled, and looked at the boy, as they spoke in unison "No one!" Neil found it odd and sceptically dismissed them in his head, yawning.

"Oh you must be tired child, come with me-" Millah replied "I will show you your room." Neil rose up and followed the lady as the old man wished good night. While his wife was away, he quickly reached out to his pocket to get out an old pipe and smoke.

Inhaling smoke, Drake felt relaxed as the tiredness finally crushed all over him like heavy pouring rain. As he looked at the fire, he could not stop thinking about the girl that he and his wife met. He deeply thought of her speech and the power of her words. Could this work? Is it finally possible to defeat Zah?

Drake finished smoking, his eyes were closing and his vision was darkened. It didn't take him long to fall asleep as his pipe was still in his mouth. 

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