Chapter 1. locating the targets.

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As the war begins its downfall, and a new way of life approaches, A life of of no more. the pupets jester. For thousands of years, of history of unfairly treated, unethical practices,
etc, The capitals artificial robot's was traumatized to the core, being used as tools for humanity, On the oath of my homeworld its insane seeing my former kind, Do this unethical behaviors.

By these "behaviors" Humanity began to take there former self's in earth history, That took Place in The "Dark ages

Its very, What do u call this, Unprofessional, I still remember Earth, remembering the smile's of my Two step sisters, Doin- nah. they where di*ks but we did quite have the memories ( Most of those are arguments) but No pyscal harm, Come on man, being sued, is something else.

Including my memorise of my parents, pleasant unconditionaly.

So you maybe thinking how I got here it was 1500 years ago

Its was a fine Sunny morning and its already been 6 months since School officially started, The covid situation had already been in a low for the past months, The vaccination ads supporting people of taking the vaccine's. finally had succeeded.

Earth was doing quite, good, and well.
Not all Good Goes well. And I was a Victim.

The Covid Virus EVOLVED.

In my former body, In terms of Pyscal appearance, and other Health previlage, No pun intended but my body was in shambles.

And well In short, I got infected, and died.

and got transferd here. in a body completly Micanical

Questioning where he is, He stud up but couldn't, instead He flew, quite a distance from the abandoned base.

While staring more at the the Abandoned base, He tells himself.
What happened here?

A Black blue screen pops out. Answering the question he asked. . . .

System: this area, here is a Base of a one's well known terrorist group, it was Discovered by the authorities long ago ending up in shambles.

Host: . . . . . . . Uhmm.

Host: And who might you be?. . . .

System: I'm the Artificial quantum System Who brough you here. . . . .

The Host was Silent for the intire .
5 min questioning more.

Host: A system huh never ever thought that those Chine-

system: Please No racism please

Host: Hey!

system: I know more about you than your self host.

Host:. Ehem.. Uhm. Lets talk about that some other time ^ _ ^ '

System: Sure

Host: So why bring me here ?.

system: Classified. . . .

Classified. My. ass system ugh. this going to be headach-

System: A Higher "class" has. granted you access. initiating information.

System: • • • • •

system: Transferring info to host....
initiate transfer. Yes. No.

Nah there's no way, this ain't gonna hurt.

host: Uh system mind me asking but. is this going to painfull.

System: yes unfortunately host, the bigger the information the painful it is, its impossible to summarize it in a short amount of time indirectly to the host.

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