Don't Hit My Sister

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Percy pulls up and barely parks the car before I'm jumping out and heading over to where him and his buddies hang out

Carter Black, his Dad runs the big oil ridge his family is pretty wealthy, he has always acted like he was some big shot, he use to swim on the swim team with Percy before he graduated and him and Percy but heads a lot.. his sister Ally Black, is the exact opposite and is always yelling at Carter for how he treats people. Because his Dad and my Dad use to work together he knows who we are and he also knows I'm trans.

But today I don't give a fuck

I saw him laughing with his friends and I hear Percy and Jason behind me but I speed up

"Nico..." I hear Jason start but I ignore him and right as Carter sees me

I punch him square in the face and he falls straight to the ground

"The fuck di Angelo!" He yells and one of his friends grab me and I kick him right where the sun don't shine and the other guy backs up glancing at Jason and Percy who were right there behind me

"You fucking hit my sister!" I shout and his eyes widen in realization and scoffs

"Bitch deserved it" He said and as he tries stand up I punched him in his gut making him double over and bring him to eye level with me

"When she fucking tells you no and to stop messing with her it's means you listen! She has a black eye right now your lucky I haven't cut your dick off for even trying to get with her." I spat anger rolling off me and he glares at me and I notice a crowd gathering around

"I least I have a dick you transgender freak!" He shouts and I hear whispers go around and I roll my eyes and grab his throat and slam him against the wall and he gasps for air as he stares at me at me in fear

"Look who is getting his ass kicked by the transgender freak" I state and I hear Percy woop and a laugh go around from the crowd

"You listen hea-" he tries to say but I kick him in the dick with my knee and he yelps and I'm still holding him by his throat and I make him look at me

"You listen hear, now the whole reason I'm going easy on you is because I'm friends with your sister. But, if I hear that you try forcing any girl to sleep with you or you lay a single finger on them ever again. Especially! My sister! I will make sure they don't find your body. Got it?" I say seriously looking him in his eyes and I saw his terrified expression and he nods

"Understood." He whimpers and I let go of his throat and he gasps falling to his knees holding it and I look at the crowd that formed

"Get lost." I snap and they fled and Carters friends help up and get him away the only people staying behind were Percy and Jason

"Dude...I didn't know you could be so terrifying." Jason said staring at me wide eyed

"You didn't even need us at all." Percy laughed and I rolled my eyes

"I half expected his goons to try to get me but only one tried and I got him." I said anger still rolling off me like crazy

"Let's go before campus security arrives." Jason said glancing around and we head back to the car

I hop in the passenger seat as Percy puts the car in start and starts driving off

I take deep breaths calming myself down and Percy glances at me and turns down a different road and I hear Jason speak up

I'm Fine (High school AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now