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"Wait she's awake?!" I exclaim and that catches my Dad off guard when he realizes I'm clear headed again

"Son your okay!" He says and hugs me tightly and I feel him shaking

"All my children are okay." He says in relief and I hug him back

I see Will smile at us and then my Dad pulls him too making Will go wide eyed and I smile

"Can we go see Bia?" I ask and my Dad sighs

"Right now no. She's awake and speaking but the nurses want to do a few more tests just in case. I'm the only one allowed in at the moment. Plus the nurses need to come look at you also." He said and I deflate a little and Will rubs my back

The door burst open and Percy runs in first and Annabeth tailing behind him

Soon everyone is in the room and they look relieved seeing me up and I'm tackled in a group hug

"Your okay! Don't scare me like that again. You hear me?" Hazel says grabbing my face and I smile and kiss her head

"I'll be okay sis." I say and Leo sits on the end of my bed giving me a look

"You think it's okay to scare me? I'm your best friend dude why didn't you tell me you were going into shock I'm suppose to join you!" He says and I snort as Jerome ruffles his hair

"It is good to see you are alright" Jerome said

I glance around not seeing Will and I look at the door and Will walks out of the room and I see my Dad with a worried look seeing him walk out

"Dad will you go after him" I ask and he nods

"I'll let the nurse know to come check on you" He says and I nod as he leaves

"Is Will okay?" Thalia asked and I sigh looking down

"Right as the doctors took me away Will gets a phone call from his parents. They heard about what happened so they checked on him. He told his mom I was his boyfriend and his Dad flipped out and disowned him right then and there hanging up the phone." I said and their faces went grim

"Are you serious?"Jason said angrily

"With everything going they did that?" Annabeth exclaimed looking mad

Jerome gets up "let me talk to him." He said and walked out and I raise an eyebrow and look at Leo who shrugged

"I don't know." He said but didn't seem to worried so I decided to trust his judgment

"I keep putting Will through so much." I sigh and Piper sat on the edge of the bed

"I know it seems like that but this also shows how much he loves you. So the best thing at the moment is to just be there for him like he is with you." She said softly and Frank ruffles my hair

"Everything is gonna be okay Nico." He tries to reassure in his awkward way and I smile

"Thanks." I say and Percy looks at the door

"Have you heard about Bia?" He asks and that reminds me

"She's awake" I say suddenly getting their attention

"What!" The I exclaim and I nod

"They need to observe her more before they let people see her but she's awake" I explain to them and they all looked relieved

"At least that's something" Annabeth said and I tilt my head

"What do you mean?" I ask and she froze and Jason sighs

I'm Fine (High school AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now