Harley Quinn - 7 Rings

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Made by: Bia.

Start video at 0:11

Also everyone will be referred to as Mikaelsons e.g. The Mikaelson Men = Marcel plus the brothers.


After Kol's question Azure took the picture of the screen which caused everyone to look at her.

"The first thing I'll be showing you is a big compilation of Harley's memories." Azure spoke earning nods from everyone and whilst they were all happy and excited, Kol's was definitely the most energetic.

The theatre screen shows a picture of a dishevelled Harley Quinn in a police file.

The Mikaelsons were definitely concerned when they noticed it was a police file.

"Why is she in a police file." Freya spoke but got no answer.

The scene changes to show Harley Quinn when she took the picture holding up a sign and getting her mugshot taken.

"What happened to her? Is she okay" Hayley spoke with slight panic in her voice as Klaus grabbed her hand as both parents needed comfort in this moment, scared for the daughter they had never known.

Harley Quinn dangling upside down, changes to a different view with Harley in her cell, playing with her hair and dangling upside down whilst being held by bedsheets.

"Wow she looks really flexible." Hope said kind of in awe of her sisters acrobatic skills.

"Hope she is in an actual cage and that is what you're talking about." Marcel said kind of amused which causes hope to go slightly red.

"Speaking of that, WHO DARES TO PUT MY DAUGHTER IN A CAGE." Klaus spoke anger pouring out of him. This seems to make it set in for everyone that she's in an actual cage.

"She's not an animal for gods sake." Rebekah spoke adding on to Klaus's point.

"Well her dad is Nik, Bekah." Kol reminded Rebekah trying to keep the situation light. Klaus immediately lunged at Kol only to be teleported back to his seat.

"Ooh this is going to be fun." Kol spoke the amusement in his voice coupled by a grin made Klaus lunge at him again only for the exact same thing to happen to him earning a laugh from Kol.

"Kol" Elijah spoke sternly but Kol's amusement only seemed to rise, that was until Elijah seemed to grow his own little smirk as he flicked his hand to Kol's left and suddenly Kol could swear that the temperature dropped five degrees as he shivered and turned to be met with his wife's glare.

"KOL MIKAELSON we're hear to learn about our niece now stop antagonising Klaus or I swear you will be on the couch for the next few months. Do I make myself clear." Davina spoke clearly earning a very rapid nod from Kol and suddenly the stern glare turned back to a happy smile and as he turned to face the screen he caught his family's amused looks immediately causing him to pout.

Yeah, breakfast at Tiffany's

Scene shows Harley's back as she walks through a city in her iconic outfit.

The minute the males in the family saw the shorts Harley was wearing the protective instincts in them flared as they growled. Hope couldn't help but grimace at the shorts her sister was wearing knowing just how protective Her dad and uncles could get and she prayed or her sister.

"WHAT IS SHE WEARING!!!" Klaus spoke outraged.

"I SWEAR IF ANYONE EVEN LOOKS AT HER I WILL RIP THEIR EYEBALSS OUT AND MAKE THEM EAT THEM." Klaus threatened earning nods of approval from the men causing a lot of eye rolls from the woman.

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